Monthly Meetups 2020

Anomaly Archives LIVE via YouTube & Facebook every “Second Saturday”

The Anomaly Archives presents
Exploring the Life-Work of Artist/Clairvoyant/Paranormal-Investigator

Eugenia Macer-Story

Featuring Dr. CS Matthews, Stephanie Quick, Ben Roylance and SMiles Lewis
Saturday, August 8th at 2pm CST 

Watch Live on… Our YouTube Channel  … or …  Our Facebook Page

Exploring the Life-Work of Artist / Clairvoyant / Paranormal-Investigator
Eugenia Macer-Story

Exploring the Life-Work of Artist/Psychic/Paranormal-Investigator Eugenia Macer-Story”

We’re excited to announce our next Online / Virtual Meetup webcast event is coming up on the next “Second Saturday,” August 8th. We’ll be streaming live to our YouTube Channel HERE as well as simulcasting it over at our Facebook Page HERE. This month’s presentation features a memorial exploration for an experiencer / researcher who deserves to be more widely known…

We drew your attention to her work back in the February edition of this newsletter for our Book-of-the-Week: Dark Frontier (1997)

“A modern alchemical journal on the occult & supernatural, including interdimensional participation of the reporter in events ranging from apparitions as artifacts on 35mm film right on through a spectrum including a CIA bibliography on flying saucers, a report by a physics grad student that outer space is not symmetrical, conjuration of trickster spirits and other indications that the real frontier of knowledge is not the reflection of distant stars as we see them with limited equipment but the dark frontier of the unexplained qualities of atomic mass and consciousness, as these might be functionally related.”

SOURCE: Google Books

Support the Anomaly Archives / Buy a Copy Through Amazon Smile

The Anomaly Adventure Club presents
Introduction to the Nuraghe and Sacred Wells of Sardinia
with Einida Ecxs and Viktor Criterion

Archive of the June 13th Show is Below…

The Anomaly Adventure Club presents
Introduction to the Nuraghe and Sacred Wells of Sardinia
with Einida Ecxs and Viktor Criterion

Einida and Viktor will give a brief overview of the Nuragic civilization, with a focus on the monuments and sacred sites, while recounting their trip to the island of Sardinia. There are more than 50 sacred wells and springs in Sardinia and over 7,000 known Nuragic sites, built from 1800 BC to 238 BC. Join us for a fascinating afternoon.

Above: Sacred Well in Santa Cristina.

ABOVE: Virtual reconstruction of Nuraghe Arrubiu as it was once.

ARCHIVES of Past Meetups BELOW…

Original ALT Version

Greetings everyone.

This is a very last-minute notice but, we will begin hosting monthly online virtual Anomaly Archives Meetups via a variety of online social media platforms including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

The first show will be this Saturday, May 9th, LIVE @3pm CST at this url online:

We will also soon be exploring multiple new online events as part of our “new normal” programming and ongoing emergency fundraising efforts.

Future Meetups will feature brief (virtual or otherwise) presentations of the Anomaly ADVENTURE Club! Those meetings will be lead by “Viktor Criterion” and “Einida Ecxs.” We are also lining up a wide variety of lecturers and presenters, with perhaps some weird musical and theatrical interludes… STAY TUNED!

“The Anomaly Archives endeavors to revive and inspire people’s sense of Wonder and Adventure!”

For more information:

And watch here:

– SMiles Lewis


Out of an abundance of caution regarding the current Covid-19 pandemic (and for other personal reasons as well) we are cancelling our March Public Meetup. We may reschedule this event and/or hold it virtually via a live-stream on our YouTube channel. We will keep you all posted about our upcoming meetup schedule. Thank you.

– SMiles Lewis

Anomaly Archives Closed Until Further Notice.
Our Meetups Are Cancelled Until Further Notice.

Greetings everyone.

As you can surmise, the current Covid-19 Coronavirus crisis has had a significant effect upon the Anomaly Archives, much as it has impacted so many aspects of society. Things have been moving so fast it has been difficult to keep up and keep all of our supporters updated. The Anomaly Archives has been closed to the public since the Mayor’s March 17th announcement limiting gatherings and urging everyone to follow CDC guidelines for the safety of everyone and to “flatten the curve.”

As is happening across our society right now, beyond the dangers posed to our health, the ripple effects of this crisis are impacting our livelihoods at the personal, business, and community levels. The economic impacts to all levels are devastating; but Humanity can prevail if we all pull together, do what’s right and needs to be done, and help each other through these trying times.

Unfortunately, the Anomaly Archives has been immediately financially impacted by this crisis and so we too are among those institutions needing to ask for help. In the coming days, weeks, and months, the Anomaly Archives will be launching renewed fundraising campaigns to try and help us weather this storm and build for a sustainable future. We realize that many of you are likely personally in a similar situation of need and so we of course only ask for help from those who have it to safely give.

We’ll have more news soon on how you can help.

We will also be exploring several new online events as new regular programming and ongoing emergency fundraising efforts.

Thank you for your patience, understanding, and especially your support through these trying times.

– Miles Lewis


Second Saturday Monthly Meetups in 2020

The Anomaly Archives hosts a monthly public meeting the Second Saturday of each month. Meetings are 3pm-5pm so guests will have an hour before and an hour after to peruse the library and archives outside of the meeting times. The library will be open throughout its regular Saturday Open Hours from 2-6pm (so long as we have enough volunteers to staff it during the meeting). Sign up for our group for regular updates.

These monthly meetings are an opportunity for the public to learn more about the Anomaly Archives as well as for existing Lending-Library-Members to meet and discuss the latest Anomalous, Fortean, Mysterious, Paranormal, UFO, and Weird News Headlines (Check out our Flipboard online magazine links) and Events! Each meeting will feature some of the latest and most interesting anomalous news with insights gleaned from the Anomaly Archives collection of rare materials and its network of researchers.

Join Anomaly Archives founder SMiles Lewis as he introduces you to subjects you never knew existed and helps you dive deeper into topics you’ve always wanted to know more about. Beginning in March (and continuing every odd-numbered month) SMiles will lead discussion and exploration of the latest anomaly news items, with insights from books, periodicals, and other materials from within the Anomaly Archives collections. PLUS – there will be a number of guest lecturers throughout the year.

Every other meeting (even numbered months) will feature a brief presentation and discussion of the Anomaly ADVENTURE Club! Those meetings will be lead by “Viktor Criterion” and “Einida Ecxs” of Super Fun Adventure Quest Time (SFAQT). Viktor and Einida will lead attendees on a focused “expedition” exploring one of the many adventures they’ve experienced in researching the classic pulp magazine, “Adventure!“. This long-running magazine (1910-1971) created a travelers club card and “the popularity of the card amongst travelers led to the formation of” the legendary Adventurers Club of New York, which then led to similar clubs in Chicago, Los Angeles, Copenhagen and Honolulu. The Anomaly Archives endeavors to revive and inspire this sense of Wonder and Adventure (but more inclusively) … 

“There beats in the hearts of many the yearning for adventure, and so, in 1911, to satisfy that need “Adventure!” magazine was created. It was filled with thrilling tales of travel, intrigue, and exotic occurrences.

It spawned a club of like-minded people who gathered to revel in the idea of adventure and all its tantalizing trappings — the Adventurer’s Club. Adventurers gathered every month to share stories of excitement and glory. Many interesting people have crossed the Club’s threshold, and it is high time that their stories be shared with a wider audience.”

Join Us Each Month As We Continue The Journey Of Anomaly Adventure!

Second Saturday Monthly Schedule:
  • February  8th – Anomaly Adventure Club presents The Legend of Frank Buck!
  • March  14th – CANCELLED
  • April  11th – Anomaly Adventure Club / STATUS UNCERTAIN
  • May  9th –
  • June  13th – Anomaly Adventure Club
  • July  11th –
  • August  8th – Anomaly Adventure Club
  • September  12th –
  • October  10th – Anomaly Adventure Club
  • November  14th –
  • December  12th – Anomaly Adventure Club

First Anomaly Adventure Club Meeting – February 8th, 3-5pm

“Bring ‘em Back Amused. The Tale of Frank Buck and his Monkey Mountain.”

There beats in the hearts of many the yearning for adventure, and so, in 1911, to satisfy that need “Adventure!” magazine was created. It was filled with thrilling tales of travel, intrigue, and exotic occurrences.

It spawned a club of like-minded people who gathered to revel in the idea of adventure and all its tantalizing trappings — the Adventurer’s Club. Adventurers gathered every month to share stories of excitement and glory. Many interesting people have crossed the Club’s threshold, and it is high time that their stories be shared with a wider audience.

One of these adventurers was once a household word and an American celebrity whose very name was a byword for all things exotic and thrilling. This was Frank Buck of Gainesville, Texas, an animal collector who cared so deeply about the animals he rounded up for zoos that his motto was, “Bring ‘em back alive.” His passion for animals led him to fame and fortune, movies and mayhem. The things he managed to do and experience in his lifetime will both astonish and amuse.

To find out more about this long-lost yet fascinating character from the recent past , please join us for “Bring ‘em Back Amused. The Tale of Frank Buck and his Monkey Mountain.”

The Anomaly Archives Adventurer’s Club meeting will be held from 3pm to 5 pm on Saturday, February 8th, 2020.