First ever footage of spontaneous human combustion?

A strange video has captured the moment a man lay peacefully in a doorway engulfed in roaring flames – in what could be genuine footage of human combustion.

The man was pictured lying “peacefully” in the doorway of a building with a bicycle parked nearby – and with fire emanating from his stomach and chest area.

The strange incident – which apparently ended without serious injury to the victim – happened on the streets of Serbia’s second largest city Novi Sad.

A man can be heard approaching him – perhaps the taker of the video – saying: “Hello, hello, what’s happening?”

But the human torch waves him away as if lying covered in flames is the most natural thing in the world.

The video was first posted on a Facebook page called ‘Live from the streets of Novi Sad’.

According to the information, they received this video at the end of November last year.

In one comment on the video, it says that the man is “known” on the streets of Novi Sad for “problematic behaviour”.

Source: Is this the first ever footage of spontaneous human combustion?

Read more: Man’s body burst into flames on the sofa – but he lived to tell the tale

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