Orsic, Maria

Maria Orsic (Orsitsch)

Tim Callahan says: January 20, 2018 at 5:53 pm

“Yeah, the Haunebu is part of an elaborate mythos to some degree created by Neo-Nazi groups, such as the Tempelhoffgesellschaft (“Temple Court Society”). This involves the assertion that the original Aryans came from a planet orbiting the star Aldeberan and that they established a colony on Earth — the Sumerians — who were the ancestors of the modern Germans.

Part of this mythos involves Maria Orsitch and the Vril Society, supposedly the evil geniuses behind Hitler’s rise to power. Though Maria and the Vril Society were the creations of Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier in their 1960 book “The Morning of the Magicians,” the so-called History Channel ran a documentary about the centrality of the Vril Society and their influence of Heinrich Himmler.

In point of fact, the only historical basis for the Vril Society was a passing reference in a 1949 article by Willy Ley titled “Pseudoscience in Naziland”, to a society in pre-WW II Germany that was searching for vril (a supposed source of great psychic power invented by Bulwer Lytton in his novel “The Coming Race”). Maria Orsitch (also spelled Orsic) seems to have been invented out of whole cloth by Pauwels and Bergier.”