2020 Streamathon Week 02 – November 28th

Saturday, November 28th

Watch the Second Saturday Streamathon Archives (11/28/20)

Separate lectures / parts linked below…
Playlist – Link

  • Craig Woolheater: “Caddo Creatures – Bigfoot in Jefferson, Texas” Unable to Attend

SMiles Lewis – Streamathon Host / Founder of the Anomaly Archives

Websites: SMilesLewis.com, AnomalyRadio.net, / Radio-Show: PsiOpRadio.com / Vodcast: Anomaly-NOW!

“Audio Production Administrator for the Texas State Library Talking Book Program. Past State Section Director for the Travis and Williamson County chapters of the Mutual UFO Network. Web designer and print publisher of E.L.F. Infested Spaces Journal of Possible Paradigms.

Miles served as facilitator for Austin’s UFO Experiencer Support Group for nearly ten years and has spoken to local and national radio / TV / print media. In 1995 he spoke at the national Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness conference on the subject of UFOs as a transformative paradigm. His interests in both the physical and folkloric research of parapsychology and ufology have led to his collecting and archiving of over 3000 books on these and other topics relevant to consciousness research and the founding of the Anomaly Archives, lending library of the Scientific Anomaly Institute.”

Brent Raynes – “The Myths and Mysteries of the UFO Matrix”

Website: APmagazine.info

brent-Rayneslg“Brent has been the Editor of Alternate Perceptions Magazine since he began publishing earlier renditions of it in the 1970s. Brent began researching UFO events in the late 60s and met nearly every major contactee and researcher in the field. He wrote articles for Fate Magazine, Recovery Times, and various other magazines as well as writing a chapter for Dr. Bert Schwarz’s UFO Dynamics, sections for Dr. Greg Little’s Grand Illusions and People of the Web. He has presented at several major UFO conferences and been a co-leader of tours to American mound sites. Brent is author of the books Visitors from Hidden Realms and On The Edge of Reality.”

Miguel Romero – “Smoke, Mirrors & Plexiglass Windows: The Nested Deceptions of Planet UMMO”

Website: AbsurdByDesign.com

“Agnostic gnostic, walking conundrum & metaphysical oxymoron (with emphasis in the ‘moron’ part), the mysterious RPJ leaves a double life: By day he serves as Grand Master of the International Sacred Order of Lucha Libre, but at night he pursues his life-long study of everything considered mysterious and/or ‘paranormal’ –a term he personally detests… When he’s not exploring the web looking for his daily fix of Forteana, he can be found blogging, doodling, fooling around and offering his services as news administrator and writer at The Daily Grail. He also regularly participates in other websites and podcasts like Radio Misterioso and Where Did the Road Go? He impatiently awaits for the return of the mothership in Mexico City.”

Chris Rutkowski – “Preserving Ufological History (The Canadian Connection)”

Websites: uforum.blogspot.com, CanadianUfoReport.com  / Books / Donate to the Digitization of Chris’ Archives

Chris Rutkowski, BSc, MEd, is a Canadian science writer and educator, with a background in astronomy but with a passion for teaching science concepts to children and adults. Since the mid-1970s, he also has been studying reports of UFOs and writing about his investigations and research. He has published several books, including: Visitations? (1989); Unnatural History (1993); Mysterious Manitoba, co-authored with Dave Creighton and Brian Fidler (1997); Abductions and Aliens (2000); The Canadian UFO Report , co-authored with Geoff Dittman (2006); A World of UFOs (2008), I Saw It Too! (2009) and The Big Book of UFOs (2010). Rutkowski also has contributed chapters to many anthologies such as Phenomenon, Frontiers of Reality and UFO 1947-1997, a 50th anniversary review of the UFO phenomenon. He was a contributing editor of International UFO Reporter and was the editor of the Swamp Gas Journal, an occasional ufozine first published in 1978 when he was part of Decadent Winnipeg Fandom. He is a past-president of the Winnipeg Science Fiction Society and was part of the Winnipeg SF community that gathered Saturdays at the home of the legendary “first fan” Chester Cuthbert. He is currently vice president of the Manitoba Writers’ Guild. Chris Rutkowski blogs at: uforum.blogspot.com 

Professor WHAM – “Aliens or Alienated: Hidden Assumptions About Race That Persist In Paranormal Cultures”

Website: ProfessorWHAM.com

wham“WHAM is a history wonk with too many degrees and a love of the occult, mysticism, shamanism, all things paranormal and horror fiction. Her specialties are religious history, Sufism, Runes and UFO/alien phenomena. Her super hero name is an acronym for a lengthy Arabic Sufi name that her friends refuse to spell or pronounce. WHAM has actual academic degrees, under a mundane name more suitable for a podiatrist, and works most days as a college teacher and data analyst. She currently lives in the Hudson Valley, where she is also known as Professor WHAM. She is a consultant for the Bigfoot Researchers of the Hudson Valley and teaches workshops on meditation, paranormal topics and esoteric subjects. WHAM is also involved with several projects in the Hudson Valley that support Native and environmental concerns. She is also a Co-Host on Church of Mabus Radio.


Ken AdamsVarious Special Shorts

Craig Baldwin (Other Cinema) – Mock Up On Mu

MOCK UP ON MU (2008) 114 min
Directed by Craig Baldwin / Cinematography by Bill Daniel, James T. Hong, Daniel Gorrell

A radical hybrid of spy, sci-fi, Western, and even horror genres, Craig Baldwin‘s Mock Up On Mu cobbles together a feature-length “collage-narrative” based on (mostly) true stories of California’s post-War sub-cultures of rocket pioneers, alternative religions, and Beat lifestyles.

Pulp-serial snippets, industrial-film imagery, and B- (and Z-) fiction clips are intercut with newly shot live-action material, powering a playful, allegorical trajectory through the now-mythic occult matrix of Jack Parsons (Crowleyite founder of the Jet Propulsion Lab), L.Ron Hubbard (sci-fi author turned cult-leader), and Marjorie Cameron (bohemian artist and “mother of the New Age movement”). Their intertwined tales spin out into a speculative farce on the militarization of space, and the corporate take-over of spiritual fulfillment and leisure-time.

Available now at OtherCinemaDVD.com / Check out the OtherCinema.com‘s Benefit Livestream: “PLAGUE-TIME PLAY-TIME: A VIRAL VARIETY SHOW”

Craig Baldwin is a filmmaker and curator whose interests lie in archival retrieval and recombinatory forms of cinema, performance, and installation. He is the recipient of several grants, including those from the Rockefeller Foundation, Alpert Award, Creative Capital, Phelan, AFI, FAF, and California Arts Council. Over the last two decades, his productions have been shown and awarded at numerous international festivals, museums, and institutes of contemporary art, often in conjunction with panels, juries, and workshops on collage and cultural activism. His own weekly screening project, Other Cinema, has continued to premiere experimental, essay, and documentary works for over a quarter century, recently expanding into DVD publishing.”

Visual Musical Videos Directed by Ken Adams

Ken Adams is a visual / video artist whose works immerse viewers in a surreal psychedelic kaleidoscopic maelstrom of sensory inputs. He worked with Terence McKenna (both before and AFTER Terence’s passing) on multiple visual projects and is a longtime dear friend of the Anomaly Archives and its founder, SMiles Lewis.

Dank Mesa


Night Drive – Houston, TX

Classic Videos / NightDriveMusic.com / YouTube

“Night Drive is the fortunate result of inauspicious circumstances. Co-founders Rodney Connell and Brandon Duhon met after a young woman they were unknowingly both dating was killed in a car crash. The tragic event bonded the two, and became the seed from which the band was born. Perhaps because of the dark events surrounding its inception, Night Drive often focuses on the darker abstract currents of emotion. Inspired by sci-fii cinematic landscapes, they create modern synthpop with infectious melodies wrapped in thoughtful lyrics. Carried along by pulsing dance beats, the result is a stylish and energetic sound that has been featured in film, TV, and radio around the world. Performing alongside modern contemporaries such as CHVRCHES, Robert DeLong, and Austra, as well as classic legacy bands such as The Psychedelic Furs, Night Drive has quickly garnered a reputation as a captivating, must see live show.”