Category Archives: Archived Posts

WEIRD Magazine Interviews SMiles Lewis of the Austin Anomaly Archives

WEIRD Magazine Interviews SMiles Lewis of the Austin Anomaly Archives

WeirD – AnomalyArchives – 74

Read the Entire Issue Online:

W: Welcome to Weird Magazine. It’s been a while. Tell readers about the Anomaly Archives?

SAI: Hi Russell. It’s great to talk with you again. Thanks for the opportunity to tell you readers about the Anomaly Archives.

The Anomaly Archives is the lending library of the Scientific Anomaly Institute (S.A.I.), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that seeks the preservation and dissemination of scientific research into anomalous phenomena, research into and analysis of our accumulated collections and the education of the public regarding scientific investigations into these many mysterious phenomena.

Our collection houses over 2000 books as well as research materials that includes videos, government documents, magazines, and personal correspondence donated from a variety of people in the UFO and paranormal research fields. Along with the S.A.I. collection, we also house the collections of Austin MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) and INACS (Institute for Neuroscience And Consciousness Studies). We house many great books that discuss a wide range of scientific subjects including UFOs and Ufology, Consciousness, Parapsychology, Fortean Phenomena, ParaPolitical Science, Human Potential, and Jungian Theory. Also located on site are thousands of books belonging to the Jung Society of Austin, devoted to the psychological theories of Dr. Carl Gustav Jung.

We have a wealth of information on a wide variety of strange phenomena available for free to the public and dues paying members can check out books to read at home.

We also sponsor local lectures and workshops on these subjects including past events featuring former military remote viewer Paul Smith as well as a Texas Ghost Lights Conference with guest speakers including British earth lights researcher Paul Devereux, Texan paranormal bigfoot investigator Rob Riggs, British transplant and Fortean Cryptozoologist and Ufologist Nick Redfern, myself and others.

W: What are the hours the public can visit?

SAI: Right now we are open most Saturdays from 1-5pm. Though there is often someone on-site during normal weekday business hours, interested folks should contact me ahead of time ( before dropping by unannounced. We hope to begin offering expanded weekday and weekend hours very soon. Folks can come visit us at our new location in North West Austin near the intersections of Research and Technology Blvds:

12593 Research Blvd., Suite 302
Austin, Texas 78759

W: How long have you been conducting the Archive?

SAI: Well, I’ve been collecting books on strange phenomena all my life. I had dreamed of starting my own paranormal research organization for a long time and in 2003 we officially incorporated with the State of Texas. By 2006 we’d been approved by the IRS as an official tax-exempt community group. So officially I guess I’ve been coordinating the Archives for about 7 years now.

W: So tell us SMiles… Bigfoot, UFOs, Men In Black, Aliens from Space, is there truth to any of these legends? If so, can we learn more through the Austin Anomaly Archives?

SAI: As you know Russell, there is at least a little truth in all of those mysterious legends and a whole lot of speculation surrounds each of them. Yes, there is a lot to be learned about these mysteries from the materials at the Anomaly Archives.

Most people don’t think of Texas when they hear about bigfoot but I’ve said for years that any big discovery about these elusive creatures is very likely going to come from research done here in Texas. Our big state has a long history of bigfoot sightings with a wide variety of regional names associated with these creatures including Wild Man, Hairy Man, Swamp Ape / Skunk Ape, Wooly Booger, to name just a few. The Piney Woods of East Texas’ Big Thicket have apparently played home to a number of such human / bigfoot encounters as documented in Rob Riggs’ excellent book In the Big Thicket: On the Trail of the Wildman.

Texas has one of the best organized bigfoot investigation groups in the country: The TBRC – Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy is a non-profit outfit doing some of the best ongoing instrumented cryptozoology field research not just in Texas’ Big Thicket but also into the forests that spread from here into Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana. They also have one of the best annual bigfoot conferences in the country, previously held in Jefferson and most recently in Tyler. In fact for a time, Texas was home to two annual bigfoot events, one put on by the TBRC and one hosted by another fantastic Texas bigfoot hunter named Chester Moore Jr., called the Southern Crypto Conference.

The Anomaly Archives has a sizable section of books and videos devoted to Cryptozoology and the hunt for bigfoot, Sasquatch and Yeti.

I realize that many people find it very difficult to believe in bigfoot, but consider this: legendary primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall even thinks there is good evidence for the existence of an undiscovered North American primate…

Dr. Goodall: Well now, you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist.
Ira Flatow: You are?
Dr. Goodall: Yeah. I’ve talked to so many Native Americans who all describe the same sounds, two who have seen them. I’ve probably got about, oh, thirty books that have come from different parts of the world, from China from, from all over the place, and there was a little tiny snippet in the newspaper just last week which says that British scientists have found what they believed to be a yeti hair and that the scientists in the Natural History Museum in London couldn’t identify it as any known animal.

National Public Radio’s Talk of the Nation: Science Friday – 9/27/02

Folks should check out the recent film released in 2008, Wild Man of the Navidad. It’s a nicely done retro horror movie based on stories of bigfoot-like wild people from the Navidad region northwest of Victoria. And let’s not forget the Hairy Man Road legends in Round Rock which now has its own yearly festival.

UFO (and Parapsychology) research are the Anomaly Archive’s strong suit and represent our largest collection. We have hundreds of books on the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects, Alien Abductions, and related areas of research. There are many approaches to understanding the UFO phenomenon including advanced secret technology, mysterious natural phenomena, etc., but of course it is the possibility that some sighting reports represent NOT “UFOs” but “IFOs” in the form of supposed alien spacecraft that gets most people excited about “Flying Saucers.” Despite there being a lot of nonsense surrounding belief in UFOs, there is much we can learn about ourselves, humanity at large and the nature of perception and reality by studying the phenomenon. I personally think that it is highly likely that humanity has been in contact with a wide variety of intelligences (be they extraterrestrial, interdimensional, cryptoterrestrial, time travelers, what have you) through phenomena variously described as UFOs, phantom airships, mysterious lights, spiritual encounters with angels and demons – all manner of mysterious interactions. There is a wealth of cutting edge science that could possibly explain these and other strange events, and the Anomaly Archives seeks to educate the public about these new scientific discoveries and old esoteric knowledge.

mibAs for the MIB (Men In Black), yes, there are many stories of these bizarre shadowy figures who seem to arrive and depart more like phantoms than supposed government alphabet agency men. Some times these sinister personages seem very much like FBI types, presenting false credentials, intimidating witnesses, stealing evidence such as UFO photographs, but more often than not there is an absurd trickster-like quality to their behaviors and their very existance seems more like that of a ghost or some other-worldly denizen. The late John Keel (one of the best writers on the subject of UFOs) did much to popularize the notion of the MIB with his book The Mothman Prophecies. He and a handful of other writers described the reports they’d received of UFO witnesses encountering these often menacing Men In Black. However, these UFO writers, Gray Barker, Jim Moseley, Timothy Green Beckley and John Keel, could all be said to have their own sort of Tricksterish quality about them. <wink>

W: Tell us about Anomaly Radio.

SAI: I’ve been streaming my own webradio station since late 2000. During the past 10 or so years I’ve hosted a variety of terrestrial and internet-based radio shows. For a while I co-hosted the Thursday evening news on Austin’s KOOP 91.7fm radio station. I even co-hosted a show with you for a while back in 2002 or 2003. Beginning in about 2006 I relaunched my webradio station as the Anomaly Radio Network. The station features an eclectic assortment of live and pre-recorded paranormal and parapolitical shows produced by myself and friends of mine from around the country. Among the many fine programs on the network you can hear Greg Bishop’s Radio Misterioso, Robert Larson’s Out The Rabbit Hole, Raymond and Joe’s Disinformation, John Greenewald Jr.’s Black Vault Radio, Mike Watt’s The Watt From Pedro Show, Scott Horton’s AntiWar Radio, plus a whole lot more.

Every Sunday night my good friend and comic artist Mack White and I host PsiOp-Radio live from 7-9pm CST. Besides Anomaly Radio, the show is also carried on the American Freedom Radio and Revere Radio networks.

Anomaly Radio is not affiliated with the Anomaly Archives lending library.

W: You know Alex Jones of Austin, what do you think of his latest film “Fall of the Republic”?

SAI: Yes, of course. I’ve been following Alex Jones’ career since the late 1990s. It’s been amazing to watch his rise to prominence over the past 10 plus years. We have several of his documentaries available at the Anomaly Archives. In fact, two of our earliest large donations of books came from Mike Hanson and Chris Athanas. Mike Hanson was one of Alex’s earliest assistant producers and fans will remember him as the honorable man who snuck into Bohemian Grove with Alex. Chris Athanas was a then prolific Austin Community Television producer and staunch defender of liberty. Both Hanson and Athanas have graciously donated a number of books on a variety of topics to the Anomaly Archives.

Fall of the Republic is Alex’s best produced documentary to date. With each new film he raises the bar on parapolitical / conspiracy documentary filmmaking. It also doesn’t hurt that in FOTR he is perhaps the most CALM he has ever appeared in any of his films. This toning down of his usually overly dramatic persona has definitely made he and his message much more accessible to a wider audience.

W: Is there really a nefarious element deep within American Government or on a global scale that wishes to enslave humanity as portrayed in George Orwell’s hellish nightmare predicted in his book, 1984?

SAI: I think it is incredibly naive to think that people in power would limit their activities to only philanthropic pursuits. History is filled with examples of the Powers That Be colluding and conspiring to not only keep the power they have but to seek greater and greater levels of power. Empires throughout history have risen and fallen on the backs of conspiracies perpetrated by cabals of the rich and powerful. Various individuals and groups have conspired with designs on conquering and controlling the world. Very often this is accomplished not just through overt and obvious military might but through economic and psychological warfare which most people don’t even recognize as being used against them.

So while the tyrannical techniques described by Orwell in 1984 are mirrored in our growing Big Brother surveillance society, I think the evidence is equally clear that through accident AND design, a Brave New World Order “scientific dictatorship” as described by Aldous Huxley is the new preferred model for controlling populations.

I should add that “the views and opinions expressed by myself are not necessarily those of the Anomaly Archives or its board of directors.” LOL!

W: What are your thoughts on Climategate? And have you seen Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura on truTV?

SAI: Climategate is a perfect example of how science is NOT supposed to operate. Science is about making observations, testing hypotheses, asking questions and applying the answers to make useful predictions about the world around us. But science has always been politicized and weaponized, so this recent scandal is nothing new. However, whatever the true nature of global climate change and humanity’s influence on those changes, there should never be a climate of fear surrounding open discussion about the scientific research investigating those climatological processes.

So far I’ve only seen one episode of Jesse Ventura’s new Conspiracy Theory TV show, and it wasn’t the one on HAARP and weather control. However, I believe that episode featured researcher Jerry E. Smith whom I’ve interviewed on my radioshow about his excellent resource, Weather Warfare, which details the facts and history of human modification of the weather as well as the creation of earthquakes and more. When I interviewed Jerry, it was after they’d recorded the episode but before it had aired. He said that the TruTV folks had bungled several of the facts and details alleged in the episode regarding oil companies and HAARP related patents.

The one episode I’ve seen of Ventura’s new show was on 9/11. I thought it was very interesting and pretty well done. I was especially interested in the discussion about the official claim that no black boxes were recovered from ground zero for the WTC attack aircraft. All 4 boxes were supposedly never found. Yet there are allegations that they were found but have been suppressed for some reason.

W: Did you see the footage of the ALLEGED Russian Missile test in Norway? It looked more like a portal opening up out of Star Trek. Are you familiar with Project Blue Beam?

SAI: Wow! Yeah, I’ve watched as many of the video clips as I’ve been able to find. Yeah, it really looks like the “jump-gate” vortex from the Babylon 5 tv series to me. While I am initially inclined towards accepting the Russian Bolova missile explanation, there are aspects of the event that I have still not found adequate answers for. I’ve seen people use various mathematical formulas to both support the missile test theory and debunk it as well. But I think that if someone can create that dramatic of an event, whether with a missile or some other exotic technology and techniques, then it will be used as weapon for psychological warfare.

That is the basic premise behind the 15 year old rumor known as “Project Blue Beam” which appears to have been first publicized by researcher Serge Monast in 1994. This idea of a deceptive grand illusion has been one of my main areas of study since I first read Jacques Vallee’s seminal book Messengers of Deception, that he published in 1979 (and which was just republished by Daily Grail Publishing in 2008). In that book he suggested that the engines of deception employed by the Allied powers to defeat the Axis in World War II, might have been employed after the war to create UFO and paranormal manifestations with the ultimate goal of preventing another World War by uniting humanity through the production of a grand external threat. He doesn’t think these technologies and techniques represent the “true UFO phenomenon” but that the governments and militaries of the world are utilizing belief in these phenomena for their own political ends as psychological warfare.

Project Blue Beam has never been officially documented and is simply one alleged grand scenario in which images of a deity would be holographically projected into the sky around the world while accompanied simultaneously by another psychotronic technology designed to excite your “heart chakra” so you feel love and devotion while also inducing the “Voice of God” inside everyone’s head. Vallee has suggested that some UFO events might be small scale versions of a scenario like that described above, though to my knowledge, he has never specifically referenced “Project Blue Beam.”

W: Back to the Archive real quick, what else should Weird readers know about the Archive?

SAI: Well, Weird readers should know that we are a tax deductible non-profit organization that needs your support. You can learn more about us by going to our website at:

There you can find copies of our free monthly electronic newsletter as well as links to our Twitter, MySpace, MeetUp and Facebook presences:

And you can go to LibraryThing to see a fairly up to date online catalog of our entire collection:

W: What is next for the Anomaly Archives? Ever thought about taking it on the road?

SAI: We have several events in the planning stages right now for this year featuring various paranormal and UFO researchers. We are starting monthly meetups for folks wanting to learn more about anomalous phenomena.

I would love to see the Anomaly Archives launch a tour across Texas and the United States educating the public about these fascinating, strange, and mysterious phenomena. If someone wants to donate an RV, bus or van then perhaps we can create our own Alien UFO Bookmobile!

W: Finally, what do you think about 2012 and climate change? Will the global Elite blame weather and 2012 as the cause for the need for a global carbon tax, in your opinion?

SAI: I don’t think that 2012 and climate change necessarily have anything to do with one another, though perhaps those seeking globalization through environmentalism-based governance might like to conflate the two.

I agree with Terence McKenna, who arrived at the December 21st, 2012 date through his own research into psychedelics and the Chinese I-Ching… that we will be unrecognizable to ourselves after that point. I don’t think it will necessarily be an immediate or dramatic event so much as an increasingly alienating experience of the world around us due to ever increasing technology innovation, political and social upheaval.

I have no idea whether the proposed global carbon tax will be the inevitable currency through which the forces of globilization shall seek to control the populations. One of the great things about McKenna was that he was an eternal  optimist when it came to grand global conspiracies. He felt that the nature of humanity and the mind of the planet were far to complex to be completely controlled by nefarious human agencies. While I hope he is correct, I don’t think that should stop us from actively working to ensure that the Powers That Be fail in their attempts to use resources as weapons in an infinite cycle of crisis politics. Time and time again I come back to this quote:

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill … All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”

– Alexander King, Bertrand Schneider – founder and secretary, respectively, of the Club of Rome – The First Global Revolution, pp.104-105

W: Thanks SMiles, Take your pic of conspiracy. Rank the following. JFK assassins, UFOs & the Government, NASA Fake Moon Landings; 911 was an Inside Job; and the ET Presence on Earth. Best to worst conspiracy?

SAI: Thanks Russell. It’s been a pleasure talking with you and your readers.

Okay, if you mean for me to rank them in terms of Best Evidence vs Worst Evidence then here is how I’d rate them:

* UFOs & the Government – It is undeniable that the United States government and military have investigated UFOs in the past. There are thousands of official documents which prove this fact. To what degree they are still doing so is the real mystery.

* JFK assassins – There is significant evidence of conspiracy and multiple assassins involved in the death of John F. Kennedy. The 1979 House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that there was a probable conspiracy, contradicting the Warren Commission Report.

* 911 was an Inside Job – From my research into the events of September 11th, there are too many anomalies, inconsistencies, and outright cover-ups that are not accounted for in the U. S. government’s official conspiracy theory. There is evidence that was not acknowledged by the 911 Commission which clearly indicates that the alleged hijackers had help carrying out the attacks. If even one of those who helped the attacks take place was in a position of power, whether within the FAA, airport security, the FBI, the halls of Washington or the walls of the Pentagon, then there was indeed an “Inside Job.”

* NASA Fake Moon Landings – While I think it is naive to believe the United States government would tell us the absolute truth about such incredibly symbolic technological achievements I’ve not seen convincing evidence that the entirety of the moon landing was faked. It’s been said that if the United States discovered that the world was flat they would conceal this discovery so that it could be used to their strategic advantage. In a similar way I think we’ve not been given the entire truth regarding our trips to the moon. I’ve seen some evidence that makes me question the nature of what we’ve been shown and told is photographic evidence of the events, however, that doesn’t convince me that we didn’t go, it just convinces me that the government, as usual, isn’t telling us the whole story.

* ET Presence on Earth – I believe the UFO phenomenon represents humanity’s encounters with a variety of consciosnesses and intelligences. Evidence for the “alienness” of such entities is skimpy and highly speculative at best. I think the data much more strongly suggests what Mac Tonnies called the CryptoTerrestrial hypothesis. So far the only real scientific investigation into publicly documented ExtraTerrestrial life existing on earth has been the highly controversial findings of physicists Godfrey Louis and Santhosh Kumar of Mahatma Gandhi University in Kottayam, India into the mysterious “Red Rain” which fell in the southern Indian state of Kerala in 2001.

Pre May 2006 Post Archive

Archives UpDates

Electronic Archives

Anomaly Institute / Anomaly College



Anomaly Archives eNewsletter – May 2006
by Admin on 2006-05-25 21:39:55
Anomaly Archives eNewsletter – May 2006

June’s meeting we will be taking a Field Trip to UT San Antonio to see CryptoZoologist Loren Coleman speak on the state of Bigfoot research worldwide and the Social and Cultural Phenomenon of Bigfoot.Lots of Amazing Events are happening so check out the link to
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Anomaly Archives Meeting Reminder – 1st Meeting Tomorrow
by Admin on 2006-05-05 17:13:40
Anomaly Archives Meeting Reminder – 1st Meeting Tomorrow
New Monthly Meetings of the Anomaly ArchivesBeginning Saturday, May 6th, the Anomaly Archives will be holding Free Public Monthly Meetings on the First Saturday of Each Month. Meeting time is from 1 to 5 pm at the Human Potential Center, 2007, Bert Avenue,
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Latest Anomaly Archives eNewsletter – April 2006
by Admin on 2006-04-27 21:43:44
Latest Anomaly Archives eNewsletter – April 2006- New Monthly Meetings / Field Trip in June
– Amazing Event Announcements including Dean Radin events
– New Collections donated by San Antonio Parapsychology researcher
– And More!
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Anomaly Archives eNews – March 2006
by Admin on 2006-03-13 23:41:18
New Hours of Operation & On-Site Volunteer

Greetings fellow Anomalists. It’s been a while since we sent out an issue of the Anomaly Archives eNewsletter. We apologize for the delay.We’d like you to welcome our New Volunteer On-Site Assistant Curator, JP Smith.
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Anomaly Archives eNews Update December 2005
by Admin on 2005-12-01 23:55:23

Anomaly Archives eNews Update December 2005On-Site Curator Update Coming Soon! Artificial Alien Intelligence? Viral Aliens? Death of SETI@Home Due to Alien Hackers? Government Meeting Minutes and the Unit 731 / Roswell Crash Controversy. Texas Nexus at the Human Potential Campus. More Dennis Stacy Donations! Looking for Submissions to the eNews
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 Anomaly Archives eNewsletter – May 2006  
Admin 05-25-06 21:39 
 Anomaly Archives Meeting Reminder – 1st Meeting Tomorrow  

Google launches controversial digital book site 

Persinger’s Students Locked Out of Laurentian Labs Over Animal Testing Spat  

07-03-02 22:44 

Volunteer / Intern On-Site Assistant Curator Position Filled

Anomaly Archives On-Site Assistant Curator Job Description

On-Site Assistant Curator for the lending library of the Scientific Anomaly Institute

The Anomaly Archives has filled its opening for a live-in / on-site Assistant Curator for the specialized collections of the Scientific Anomaly Institute’s lending library. This is a part-time that will facilitate the library having much more accessibility and broadening its hours of operation.

This position has been filled.

Scientist scrutinizes spooky sight

Scientist scrutinizes spooky sight
Astrophysicist out to explain — or disprove — storied Brown Mountain lights

PISGAH NATIONAL FOREST — Walking down stone steps to a stunning North Carolina mountain view, astrophysicist Dan Caton let his feelings spill out.

“I’m sure we are going to see them tonight, I can feel it in the air,” he said, before quickly backing off. “I always think that.”

After hearing countless wild stories about unexplained lights flashing near Brown Mountain, Caton, an Appalachian State University scientist, decided to hunt down their source.

The quest is rocky. After about 20 outings, Caton and his companions have witnessed nothing enigmatic near Brown Mountain just distant bobbing car lights, flashlight trails and campfires.

The scientist now wonders whether the lights made famous in books, bluegrass music, TV’s “The X-Files” and countless Internet sites exist at all.

“I’m way beyond cynicism,” Caton said. “I’m beginning to think this is just a joke, a gigantic joke.”

Still, so many others believe.

It’s tough to pinpoint when stories began circulating about the Brown Mountain lights, one of North Carolina’s best-known legends.

In September 1913, the Charlotte Daily Observer detailed two unexplained, “fiery red” lights regularly rising twice a night over the slope, located northwest of Morganton in what’s known as the Blue Ridge Escarpment.

The following month a U.S. Geological Survey worker, dispatched at the urging of a congressman from North Carolina, concluded they were merely train lights. But after a 1916 flood banished trains from the area, reports of the lights persisted. Confidence in the government explanation slipped.

In 1922, another U.S. survey man went out. He identified trains, cars and fires as sources, stressing that dense air and the angled ground near Brown Mountain refracted such lights, making them appear reddish or yellow. Such conclusions have never satisfied many local people, who have talked and gawked over the lights for generations.

“There is no doubt in our mind that there is something, some kind of phenomenon,” said Cathy Miller, postmaster of nearby Linville Falls.

Miller clearly remembers witnessing the lights decades ago while a teenager parked with a friend within view of the mountain. Repeating a description others deliver, Miller said a glowing ball flared up and seemed to float in mid-air right toward them. She could never explain its source.

Tall tales vs. science

Creepy explanations for the Brown Mountain lights abound. One story attributes them to the suffering spirits of native warriors lost in a long-ago battle. Another says they are all that remains of Native American maidens who perished searching for the slain fighters.

One tale credits the ghost of a Revolutionary War soldier who walked himself to death looking for his missing family. Yet another links the glow to the eternal suffering of a wife murdered by her husband.

But supernatural explanations don’t sway Caton, 54. He’s the type who writes letters to newspapers protesting coverage favorable to fortune tellers or astrologists.

Caton favors the scientific. He wants to observe the lights with the same tools — telescopes and spectrographs — he uses to analyze pairs of twinned stars located thousands of light years away.

First, he needs a grip on when the lights are likely to appear. That’s why Caton and Nathan Bergey, an ASU senior, lugged a boat battery, a digital video camera, a laptop computer and binoculars to a Pisgah National Forest overlook above Linville Gorge that offers a clear view of Brown Mountain.

“I want to see something I don’t understand, I want to be wowed, gee-whizzed,” Caton said after setting up at Wiseman’s View.

The plasma theory

One person who claims to have already cracked the mystery of the lights is Joshua P. Warren, an Asheville native and college dropout who considers himself a scientist.

Warren, 28, owns Shawdowbox Enterprises, a multimedia business that investigates hauntings and organizes “paranormal” tours to spooky spots such as the “Bermuda Triangle” and Irish castles where some believe ghosts dwell.

Warren said he first saw mysterious light near Brown Mountain — a red flare that floated up and then side to side — at age 13 while on a family expedition. For the past 15 years, he said, he has returned about 60 times, sometimes camping on Brown Mountain itself.

After studies with all sorts of devices — a meter that picks up weak charges in naturally occurring electrical fields, an electrosmog multidetector, infrared thermometers — Warren concluded that Brown Mountain’s geology generates plasma, a “fourth state of matter,” that produce rare balls of light.

But Warren won’t rule out unnatural possibilities, either.

“We have a place that produces so much energy naturally, it may be that it produces something ghostly sometimes,” he said.

Caton doesn’t put much stock in Warren’s research or conclusions. If Caton can ever detect the lights in a telescope, he wants to split them apart and analyze their wavelengths. That could deliver true clues to their origin, he said.

A last shot

During their last outing, Caton and Bergey had plenty of company. More than 40 high school students attending a nearby church camp showed up at Wiseman’s View.Scientist scrutinizes spooky sight
Astrophysicist out to explain — or disprove — storied Brown Mountain lights

PISGAH NATIONAL FOREST — Walking down stone steps to a stunning North Carolina mountain view, astrophysicist Dan Caton let his feelings spill out.

“I’m sure we are going to see them tonight, I can feel it in the air,” he said, before quickly backing off. “I always think that.”

After hearing countless wild stories about unexplained lights flashing near Brown Mountain, Caton, an Appalachian State University scientist, decided to hunt down their source.

The quest is rocky. After about 20 outings, Caton and his companions have witnessed nothing enigmatic near Brown Mountain just distant bobbing car lights, flashlight trails and campfires.

The scientist now wonders whether the lights made famous in books, bluegrass music, TV’s “The X-Files” and countless Internet sites exist at all.

“I’m way beyond cynicism,” Caton said. “I’m beginning to think this is just a joke, a gigantic joke.”

Still, so many others believe.

It’s tough to pinpoint when stories began circulating about the Brown Mountain lights, one of North Carolina’s best-known legends.

In September 1913, the Charlotte Daily Observer detailed two unexplained, “fiery red” lights regularly rising twice a night over the slope, located northwest of Morganton in what’s known as the Blue Ridge Escarpment.

The following month a U.S. Geological Survey worker, dispatched at the urging of a congressman from North Carolina, concluded they were merely train lights. But after a 1916 flood banished trains from the area, reports of the lights persisted. Confidence in the government explanation slipped.

In 1922, another U.S. survey man went out. He identified trains, cars and fires as sources, stressing that dense air and the angled ground near Brown Mountain refracted such lights, making them appear reddish or yellow. Such conclusions have never satisfied many local people, who have talked and gawked over the lights for generations.

“There is no doubt in our mind that there is something, some kind of phenomenon,” said Cathy Miller, postmaster of nearby Linville Falls.

Miller clearly remembers witnessing the lights decades ago while a teenager parked with a friend within view of the mountain. Repeating a description others deliver, Miller said a glowing ball flared up and seemed to float in mid-air right toward them. She could never explain its source.

Tall tales vs. science

Creepy explanations for the Brown Mountain lights abound. One story attributes them to the suffering spirits of native warriors lost in a long-ago battle. Another says they are all that remains of Native American maidens who perished searching for the slain fighters.

One tale credits the ghost of a Revolutionary War soldier who walked himself to death looking for his missing family. Yet another links the glow to the eternal suffering of a wife murdered by her husband.

But supernatural explanations don’t sway Caton, 54. He’s the type who writes letters to newspapers protesting coverage favorable to fortune tellers or astrologists.

Caton favors the scientific. He wants to observe the lights with the same tools — telescopes and spectrographs — he uses to analyze pairs of twinned stars located thousands of light years away.

First, he needs a grip on when the lights are likely to appear. That’s why Caton and Nathan Bergey, an ASU senior, lugged a boat battery, a digital video camera, a laptop computer and binoculars to a Pisgah National Forest overlook above Linville Gorge that offers a clear view of Brown Mountain.

“I want to see something I don’t understand, I want to be wowed, gee-whizzed,” Caton said after setting up at Wiseman’s View.

The plasma theory

One person who claims to have already cracked the mystery of the lights is Joshua P. Warren, an Asheville native and college dropout who considers himself a scientist.

Warren, 28, owns Shawdowbox Enterprises, a multimedia business that investigates hauntings and organizes “paranormal” tours to spooky spots such as the “Bermuda Triangle” and Irish castles where some believe ghosts dwell.

Warren said he first saw mysterious light near Brown Mountain — a red flare that floated up and then side to side — at age 13 while on a family expedition. For the past 15 years, he said, he has returned about 60 times, sometimes camping on Brown Mountain itself.

After studies with all sorts of devices — a meter that picks up weak charges in naturally occurring electrical fields, an electrosmog multidetector, infrared thermometers — Warren concluded that Brown Mountain’s geology generates plasma, a “fourth state of matter,” that produce rare balls of light.

But Warren won’t rule out unnatural possibilities, either.

“We have a place that produces so much energy naturally, it may be that it produces something ghostly sometimes,” he said.

Caton doesn’t put much stock in Warren’s research or conclusions. If Caton can ever detect the lights in a telescope, he wants to split them apart and analyze their wavelengths. That could deliver true clues to their origin, he said.

A last shot

During their last outing, Caton and Bergey had plenty of company. More than 40 high school students attending a nearby church camp showed up at Wiseman’s View.

One of the campers, Heather Crawford from South Carolina, brought two cameras to record lights she’d seen the summer before.

“It’s faint. You seem them one place over here and then they are over there,” she said, moving her hands in the air.

When the campers learned that Caton was growing skeptical that mysterious lights ever flare near Brown Mountain, they were shocked. “All I’ve got to say is that you need to have some faith,” Hannah Edwards, 20, a camp counselor from Tennessee, said before departing.

“I want to see the light,” Caton called after her.

The professor and his student remained until after midnight. They watched a sizable red moon rise from behind nearby Table Rock Mountain. Caton hooted and punched his fist into the air when an ultra-bright meteor flashed into the open sky.

But that was all.

Caton packed up disappointed. Once again, Brown Mountain yielded not one puzzle to pursue.

(Staff photographer Corey Lowenstein contributed to this report.)

Staff writer Catherine Clabby can be reached at 956-2414 or Staff photographer Corey Lowenstein contributed to this report.

One of the campers, Heather Crawford from South Carolina, brought two cameras to record lights she’d seen the summer before.

“It’s faint. You seem them one place over here and then they are over there,” she said, moving her hands in the air.

When the campers learned that Caton was growing skeptical that mysterious lights ever flare near Brown Mountain, they were shocked. “All I’ve got to say is that you need to have some faith,” Hannah Edwards, 20, a camp counselor from Tennessee, said before departing.

“I want to see the light,” Caton called after her.

The professor and his student remained until after midnight. They watched a sizable red moon rise from behind nearby Table Rock Mountain. Caton hooted and punched his fist into the air when an ultra-bright meteor flashed into the open sky.

But that was all.

Caton packed up disappointed. Once again, Brown Mountain yielded not one puzzle to pursue.

(Staff photographer Corey Lowenstein contributed to this report.)

Staff writer Catherine Clabby can be reached at 956-2414 or Staff photographer Corey Lowenstein contributed to this report.

Recent Book Additions

This is a small batch of recent addtions ranging from books acquired on recent Texas road trips. One trip through Alpine to Marfa to look for the Marfa Mystery lights and one trip to a bigfoot conference in Northeast Texas. A good bookstore in Long View, Texas was on the way to the 4th Annual Texas Bigfoot Research Conference in Jefferson, Texas. The books from the Long View store are mostly Investigative Parapolitical Science books and Metaphysical titles. At the conference several Cryptozoology books, magazines and DVDs were acquired. (Those are to be found in their respective media databases.)

Also included in this batch of acquisitions are donations from new Anomaly Archives members, as well as gifts from family and friends. At least a couple of the donations are from a huge donation from Mike Hanson. More on that donation as we catalog the hundreds of new books.

Readerware Book Catalog

Primary Perception: Biocommunication With Plants, Living Foods and Human Cells


Primary Perception: Biocommunication With Plants, Living Foods and Human Cells
Author: Backster, CleveISBN: 0-9664354-3-5

Category: Science : Nature & Ecology : General
User Rating:
Pages: 160
Paperback White Rose Millennium Pr

Hidden Memories: Voices and Visions from Within

Hidden Memories: Voices and Visions from Within
Author: Baker, Robert A.ISBN: 0-87975-684-5

Category: Health, Mind & Body : Psychology & Counseling : General
User Rating:
Pages: 373
Hardcover Prometheus Books

From Book News, Inc. A psychologist offers down-to-earth explanations for various kinds of “supernatural” experiences. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or. Midwest Book Review An upstate New York woman was gripped one day by the horrifying childhood memory that her father had involved her in satanic rituals. Jennifer recalled a time when she was four and was forced to witness animal sacrifices and the torture of infants. She even remembered being placed in a coffin with live snakes during these “devil parties”. Thinking of those horrors as an adult, Jennifer was astounded that years ago no one in her family seemed aware she was being abused. Similarly bizarre tales of alien abductions, satanic possessions, channeling of spirits, and memories of past lives are not only reported, but also promoted in the media each day. But are these “memories” reliable, and should they be used as credible evidence in courts?

Guide to the Salem Witchcraft Hysteria of 1692

Guide to the Salem Witchcraft Hysteria of 1692
Author: Brown, David C.ISBN: 0-9613415-0-5

Category: Religion & Spirituality : Earth-Based Religions : Wicca
User Rating:
Pages: 132
Paperback David Brown Book Company

The Marfa Lights, 2nd Edition

The Marfa Lights, 2nd Edition
Author: Brueske, Judith M.ISBN:

User Rating:
Pages: 0
Unknown Binding Alpine Printing Co.

Being a collection of first-hand accounts by people who have seen the lights close-up or in unusual circumstances, and related material.

Night Orbs

Night Orbs
Author: Bunnell, JamesISBN: 0-9709249-2-5

Category: Religion & Spirituality : New Age : General
User Rating:
Pages: 320
Paperback Lacey Publishing Company

A Primer of Psychical Researcg

A Primer of Psychical Researcg
Author: Carrington, HerewardISBN:

User Rating:
Pages: 0
Ives Washburn

Library of the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Man, Myth and Magic: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural Volume 1

Man, Myth and Magic: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural Volume 1
Author: Cavendish, Richard (Editor)ISBN: 0-8393-6035-5

Category: Reference : Encyclopedias : Mythology & Folklore
User Rating:
Pages: 0
Library Binding Raintree/Steck Vaughn

The Conspiracy Reader: From the Deaths of JFK and John Lennon to Government-Sponsored Alien Cover-Ups

The Conspiracy Reader: From the Deaths of JFK and John Lennon to Government-Sponsored Alien Cover-Ups
Author: Hidell, AlISBN: 0-8065-2041-8

Category: History : Historical Study : Reference
User Rating:
Pages: 354
Paperback Citadel Pr

Thieves in High Places: They’ve Stolen Our Country–And It’s Time to Take It Back

Thieves in High Places: They’ve Stolen Our Country–And It’s Time to Take It Back
Author: Hightower, JimISBN: 0-670-03141-0

Category: Entertainment : Humor : Business
User Rating:
Pages: 288
Hardcover Viking Books Author, populist, and radio commentator Jim Hightower is nothing if not direct. In Thieves in High Places, Hightower lambastes the current American power structure and exhorts his readers to fight against it. Hightower’s indignation runs deep in this “us versus them” expos? of corporate malfeasance, governmental abuse, the militarization of American society, and the Bush administration’s empire building. In the first part of the book, Hightower illustrates how the Bush administration and Congress work with major corporations (including our nation’s vast media conglomerates) to add to their obscene wealth at the expense of America’s working class, our environment, and (most lamentably) our rights and liberties. “The elites have pulled off a slow-motion coup, radically wrenching America’s power balance from a people’s democracy to Kleptocrat Nation.” Hightower defines “Kleptocrat Nation” as “a body of people ruled by thieves…a government characterized by the practice of transferring money and power from the many to the few…[and] a ruling class of moneyed elites that usurps liberty, justice, sovereignty, and other, democratic rights from the people.” His catalogue of corporate greed and governmental complicity is breathtaking in scope, and though he admits that the fusion of business and government is not new, he persuasively states that “never have so few done so much for so few.” Unfortunately, Hightower’s serious message is delivered in such a “down home” style, it may lose its impact on the more brainy among us. Also, one wishes there were more documentation for the copious examples and facts in the book. Still, Hightower’s call to action is sincere, and his descriptions of the triumphs of average people over corporate power might give some fledgling activists some hope. Thieves in High Places urges Americans to reclaim control of our government–Hightower thinks we can with community organization and grass-roots movements. However, judging from his description of the current power structure, we are going to need all the help we can get. — Silvana Tropea Product Description: America listens to Jim Hightower. More than eighty thousand people subscribe to The Hightower Lowdown Newsletter while his radio show is aired on more than sixty public and commercial radio stations. In They’ve Stolen Our Country and It’s Time To Take It Back, he takes on the Bushites, the Wobblycrats, and the corporate Kleptocrats, digging up behind-the-scenes dirt that the corporate media overlooks-like BushCo’s “Friday Night Massacres,” what’s happened to our food, and the Bush plan for empire. But the book also offers grassroots solutions, drawing on Hightower’s Rolling Thunder Down-Home Democracy Tour, a traveling festival of rebellion against every tentacle of the corporate-politico power grab. At kitchen tables all over America, Hightower has tapped into the thriving activist networks that are our country’s grassroots muscle, and his book tells their uplifting stories of retaking control of their communities. This is the real America that the rest of the world doesn’t get to see. With his unique blend of wit and outrage, Jim Hightower “lights a prairie fire”-and it’s just the spark that his growing national audience craves.

The cycles of heaven: Cosmic forces and what they are doing to you

The cycles of heaven: Cosmic forces and what they are doing to you
Author: Hill, ScottISBN: 0-312-18053-5

User Rating:
Pages: 368
Unknown Binding St. Martin’s Press

Bizarre America (Beyond Belief, No 1)

Bizarre America (Beyond Belief, No 1)
Author: Hunt, GerryISBN: 0-425-10849-X

User Rating:
Pages: 0
Paperback Berkley Pub Group

Mysteries of Witchcraft and the Occult

Mysteries of Witchcraft and the Occult
Author: Jackson, RobertISBN: 1-57215-228-1

Category: Religion & Spirituality : Earth-Based Religions : Wicca
User Rating:
Pages: 128
Paperback World Publications Inc Remaind

Shoot-Down: Flight 007 and the American Connection

Shoot-Down: Flight 007 and the American Connection
Author: Johnson, R.W.ISBN: 0-670-81209-9

User Rating:
Pages: 335
Hardcover Viking Pr

From Publishers Weekly When Korean Airlines flight 007 was shot down by a Soviet fighter in 1983, many questions and contradictions emerged that still haven’t been answered. Johnson’s absorbing study explores the complex affair from various angles and provides a broad context, including an assessment of the strategic balance in Northeast Asia, the use of civilian airlines for espionage and the way international crises are handled by the Reagan administration. Presented here are the four major theories of what happened and why: that Flight 007 strayed off course by accident; that the pilot tried to take a shortcut to save fuel; that the Soviets lured the plane off course through electronic interference with navigational equipment; and that 007 was, as the Soviets have claimed, on a surveillance mission. In the book’s piece de resistance, Johnson reruns the sequence of events surrounding the flight as if hypothesis four were true, and most readers will likely agree that it is the only one that makes sense. Johnson is a Fellow in Politics at Oxford. Photos. 50,000 first printing. (June Copyright 1986 Reed Business Information, Inc. From Library Journal Johnson, an Oxford political scientist, reviews publicly available information on the 1983 Soviet downing of Korean Air Lines Flight 007, and critically evaluates hypotheses put forward to explain the many mysteries still surrounding the tragedy. While acknowledging that the evidence remains incomplete, he concludes that KAL 007 was most likely on a U.S.-directed intelligence mission designed to reveal Soviet air defense radarsa finding similar to that of Alexander Dallin’s Black Box ( LJ 5/1/85) and at odds with Richard Rohmer’s Massacre 747 (Paperjacks, 1984). Readers will find more detail on many points than in earlier analyses as well as an accusation of Reagan Administration dishonesty on the matter. A readable and useful contribution to the debate. Recommended for most libraries. James R. Kuhlman, Univ. of Georgia Lib., Athens Copyright 1986 Reed Business Information, Inc.

In the Domain of the Lake Monsters

In the Domain of the Lake Monsters
Author: Kirk, John, IIIISBN: 1-55263-010-2

Category: Sports : General
User Rating:
Pages: 320
Paperback Key Porter Books

From the Publisher John Kirk is no stranger to skeptics and the cynical media, and is himself critical of some past lake-creature claims. He became a believer after a visit to British Columbia, where he learned of Ogopogo, a legendary denizen of Okanagan Lake. Together with the newly formed British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, he would pursue Ogopogo for years. Product Description: A fascinating survey of the “unknown animals of outlandish size” that lurk in lakes and oceans around the world, and one that will appeal to both the converted and the curious. The book includes a complete, comprehensive listing of sightings, organized by geography.

Report From Iron Mountain: On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace

Report From Iron Mountain: On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace
Author: Lewin, Leonard C.ISBN:

User Rating:
Pages: 0
Paperback Dell Publishing

UFO/FBI Connection

UFO/FBI Connection
Author: Maccabee, BruceISBN: 1-56718-493-6

Category: Health, Mind & Body : Personal Health : Stress : Mind-Body Connection
User Rating:
Pages: 216
Paperback Llewellyn Publications

NEXUS Magazine “…a well-flowing account with fascinating case studies and asides.” Product Description: In 1966, a writer asked FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover for some information about UFOs. Hoover replied that “the investigation of unidentified flying objects is not, and never has been, a matter within the investigative jurisdiction of the FBI.” Hoover lied. The information revealed in this book (for the first time anywhere) is nothing less than shocking. In this amazing work of scholarship and research, Dr. Maccabee reveals the lies and deceit, the foolishness and the egos that have prevented you from having this simple truth. It shows that throughout the contradictions, lies and misrepresentations put forth by the government, they have known the truth: something or someone is out there. Now, you can follow this previously unpublished revelation of real government secrets.

The search for the “Manchurian candidate”: The CIA and mind control

The search for the “Manchurian candidate”: The CIA and mind control
Author: Marks, John DISBN: 0-8129-0773-6

User Rating:
Pages: 242
Unknown Binding Times Books

Phenomena: A book of wonders

Phenomena: A book of wonders
Author: Michell, John FISBN: 0-394-41596-5

User Rating:
Pages: 128
Unknown Binding Pantheon Books

Stray Tales of the Big Bend (The Centennial Series of the Association of Former Students, Texas a&M University, No 47)

Stray Tales of the Big Bend (The Centennial Series of the Association of Former Students, Texas a&M University, No 47)
Author: Miles, EltonISBN: 0-89096-534-X

Category: Literature & Fiction : World Literature : Mythology : General
User Rating:
Pages: 186
Hardcover Texas A&M University Press

Tales of the Big Bend

Tales of the Big Bend
Author: Miles, EltonISBN: 0-89096-360-6

Category: Literature & Fiction : World Literature : Mythology : General
User Rating:
Pages: 0
Paperback Texas A&M University Press

Germs : Biological Weapons and America’s Secret War

Germs : Biological Weapons and America’s Secret War
Author: Miller, JudithISBN: 0-684-87158-0

Category: History : Military : Weapons & Warfare : Biological & Chemical
User Rating:
Pages: 384
Hardcover Simon & Schuster Three reporters from The New York Times survey the recent history of biological weapons and sound an alarm about the coming threat of the “poor man’s hydrogen bomb.” Germs begins ominously enough, recounting the chilling attack by the followers of the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in 1984 on the Dalles, Oregon–no one died, but nearly 1,000 were infected with a strain of salmonella that the cult had legally obtained, then cultured and distributed. While the U.S. maintained an active “bugs and gas” program in the ’50s and early ’60s, bio-weapons were effectively pulled off this country’s agenda in 1972 when countries around the world, led by the United States, forswore development of such weapons at the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. The issue reemerged in the early ’90s thanks to Saddam Hussein and revelations of the clandestine and massive buildup of bio-weapons in remote corners of the Soviet Union. The book’s description of the Soviet program is horrific. At its peak the program employed thousands of scientists, developing bioengineered pathogens as well as producing hundreds of tons of plague, anthrax, and smallpox annually. The authors conclude that while a biological attack against the United States is not necessarily inevitable, the danger of bio-weapons is too real to be ignored. Well-researched and documented, this book will not disappoint readers looking for a reliable and sober resource on the topic. –Harry C. Edwards Product Description: Deadly germs sprayed in shopping malls, bomb-lets spewing anthrax spores over battlefields, tiny vials of plague scattered in Times Square — these are the poor man’s hydrogen bombs, hideous weapons of mass destruction that can be made in a simple laboratory. In this groundbreaking work of investigative journalism, Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg, and William Broad of The New York Times uncover the truth about biological weapons and show why bio-warfare and bio-terrorism are fast becoming our worst national nightmare. Among the startling revelations in Germs: How the CIA secretly built and tested a model of a Soviet-designed germ bomb, alarming some officials who felt the work pushed to the limits of what is permitted by the global treaty banning germ arms. How the Pentagon embarked on a secret effort to make a superbug. Details about the Soviet Union’s massive hidden program to produce biological weapons, including new charges that germs were tested on humans. How Moscow’s scientists made an untraceable germ that instructs the body to destroy itself. The Pentagon’s chaotic efforts to improvise defenses against Iraq’s biological weapons during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. How a religious cult in Oregon in the 1980s sickened hundreds of Americans in a bio-terrorism attack that the government played down to avoid panic and copycat strikes. Plans by the U.S. military in the 1960s to attack Cuba with germ weapons. Germs also shows how a small group of scientists and senior officials persuaded President Bill Clinton to launch a controversial multibillion-dollar program to detect a germ attack on U.S. soil and to aid its victims — a program that, so far, is struggling to provide real protection. Based on hundreds of interviews with scientists and senior officials, including President Clinton, as well as on recently declassified documents and on-site reporting from the former Soviet Union’s sinister bio-weapons labs, Germs shows us bio-warriors past and present at work at their trade. There is the American scientist who devoted his professional life to perfecting biological weapons, and the Nobel laureate who helped pioneer the new biology of genetically modified germs and is now trying to stop its misuse. We meet former Soviet scientists who made enough plague, smallpox, and anthrax to kill everyone on Earth and whose expertise is now in great demand by terrorists, rogue states, and legitimate research labs alike. A frightening and unforgettable narrative of cutting-edge science and spycraft, Germs shows

Bigfoot Lives: Deal With It

Bigfoot Lives: Deal With It
Author: Moore Jr., ChesterISBN:

User Rating:
Pages: 0
Unknown Binding 13 Productions

The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis : With Excerpts from an Essay on Watergate

The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis : With Excerpts from an Essay on Watergate
Author: Moyers, Bill D.ISBN: 0-932020-61-5

User Rating:
Pages: 131
Hardcover Seven Locks Pr

From School Library Journal YA– In this adaptation of the script of a 1987 public television telecast, Moyers develops a carefully articulated argument against the abuses of executive power associated with the Iran-Contra affair and the Watergate break-in. He uses a variety of expert and man-in-the-street interviews to drive home the importance of an open, public discussion of issues and of an adherence to constitutional principles and prescribed rules of conduct by elected officials in a democracy. Throughout this book, Moyers traces the historical development of government covert operations and the erosion of democratic principles associated with covert action. Students deserve access to this well-reasoned polemic against governmental secrecy in a representative democracy. Moyers leaves readers not only with the information that Oliver North and others committed indictable offenses, but also engaged in activities that undermine the fabric of our government. – Tom Irwin, Episcopal High School, Bellaire, Tex. Copyright 1989 Reed Business Information, Inc. Product Description: Based on an acclaimed PBS documentary, The Secret Government analyzes the threats to constitutional government posed by an illegitimate network of spies, profiteers, mercenaries, ex-generals and “superpatriots” who have tried, at various times, to take foreign policy into their own hands.

Truly Bizarre

Truly Bizarre
Author: Priestly, Harold E.ISBN:

User Rating:
Pages: 0
Paperback Signet

The ultimate in the uncanny. An amazing but true collection of the weirdest people, animals, events, crimes, customs, weather, and mysteries. These are just a few of the hundreds of incredible yet totally authenticated stories of startlingly unusual people, eerie phenomena, and extraordinary events collected by a world-famous scholar of the strange and offered to you in a volume that will challenge your skepticism and shatter your disbelief.

Strike From Space: A Megadeath Mystery

Strike From Space: A Megadeath Mystery
Author: Schlafly, Phyllis and Ward, ChesterISBN:

User Rating:
Pages: 0
Paperback Pere Marquette Press

The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God

The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God
Author: Strobel, LeeISBN: 0-310-24144-8

Category: Religion & Spirituality : Authors, A-Z : ( S ) : Strobel, Lee
User Rating:
Pages: 368
Hardcover Zondervan Publishing Company

The Case for Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus

The Case for Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus
Author: Strobel, LeeISBN: 0-310-20930-7

Category: Religion & Spirituality : Authors, A-Z : ( S ) : Strobel, Lee
User Rating:
Pages: 304
Paperback Zondervan Publishing Company

The Bush Junta: A Field Guide to Corruption in Government

The Bush Junta: A Field Guide to Corruption in Government
Author: White, Mack Groth, GaryISBN: 1-56097-612-8

Category: Entertainment : Humor : Political
User Rating:
Pages: 218
Paperback Fantagraphics Books

About the Author Gary Groth is the co-founder of Fantagraphics Books and The Comics Journal. Mack White is a cartoonist whose work has appeared in The Comics Journal, Snake Eyes, and Villa of the Mysteries. Product Description: Some of the medium’s best practitioners take on the Bush Administration just in time for the election in this outraged work of comics journalism. The Bush Junta: A Field Guide to Corruption in Government is an historical account of the high crimes and misdemeanors of the presidential administration of George W. Bush, as told by an international assemblage of world-class cartoonists. This fact-based, impeccably researched work of comics journalism chronicles the Bush administration in the context of the Bush family dynasty that spawned it. Topics include: The Nazi connections of the president’s grandfather, Prescott Bush; The Bush family’s membership in Yale’s Skull and Bones Society; Former President George Bush’s connections to the CIA, the Mafia, and Big Oil; His involvement in the October Surprise and Iran Contra scandals; The Bush family’s strange relationship with the family of John Hinckley (the would-be assassin of President Ronald Reagan); The Panama Deception; The Persian Gulf War; The suspicious business practices of his Bush sons, particularly with regard to the Savings and Loan scandal of the 1980s; Young George W. Bush, his troubles with the law, his AWOL military record; George W.’s governorship of Texas; The electoral fraud of 2000 that resulted in his presidency; Unanswered questions about the terror attacks of September 11; The administration’s “War on Terror” and its erosion of civil liberties under the Patriot Act and proposed Victory Act; The oil-based motives behind the Iraq War and how the public was deceived into supporting the war; The administration’s shameful record on energy and the environment; and much more. Also included are profiles of the key players in the current administration, a rogues gallery including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, Condoleezza Rice, and Karl Rove. Contributors to this historic comics documentary include: Alejandro Alvarez, Jaime Crespo, Kim Deitch, Jeremy Eaton, Bill Griffith, Scott Gilbert, Albo Helm, Ted Jouflas, Mark Landman, Carol Lay, Scott Marshall, Paul Mavrides, David Paleo Nunes, Ethan Persoff, Aleksandar Zograf, Larry Rodman, Spain Rodriguez, Marcel Ruyters, Kenneth Smith, Carol Swain, Seth Tobocman, Penny Van Horn, Mack White, and others. This book distills all the known facts of the Bush regimes criminality in a journalistically accurate, artistically stylish, and utterly hilarious collection.

TSOG: The Thing That Ate the Constitution

TSOG: The Thing That Ate the Constitution
Author: Wilson, Robert AntonISBN: 1-56184-169-2

Category: Nonfiction : Current Events : Civil Rights & Liberties
User Rating:
Pages: 224
Paperback New Falcon Publications

George Carlin I have learned more from Bob than from any other source. He continues to produce intelligent, cranky, inspired thought. Product Description: WHAT IS TSOG? It’s the “Tsarist Occupational Government”, those wonderful folks in Washington B.C. (oops, sorry, that’s D.C.) who, OF COURSE, always have your best interest at heart. Of course. TSOG is Bob’s most powerful political statement to date. What is happening RIGHT NOW to human freedom? What in the world is the U.S. doing with a drug TSAR(!) who routinely and gleefully destroys millions of lives and bullies the governments of the rest of the world into prosecuting an insane war on [some] drugs? How did a Nazi spy come to have an enormous influence on current U.S. foreign policy? Will the ‘war on terrorism’ put the last nail in the coffin of YOUR rights? Would Hannibal Lecter make a better president than George W. Bush? Bob’s keen wit skewers those who are forcing us all into slavery, and warns us that there is little time left. How long will it be before Bob’s books are banned as ‘literary terrorism’?

The Ultra Secret

The Ultra Secret
Author: Winterbotham, Frederick WilliamISBN: 0-06-014678-8

User Rating:
Pages: 199
Hardcover Harpercollins

Flashback: Anomaly Archives circa early 2001


Charting The
Modified : 3.1.01 

    The Austin Anomaly Archive is currently the sole property of ELFIS (FAQs) curator SMiles Lewis. Several possible futures exist for this mass of accumulated ufo and related phenomena materials. The ever-expanding collection of over 500 books, 300+ magazines, and 100s of paper files runs the gamut of UFO information: from consciousness research to parapsychology and MORE!It is intended to be a local repository for UFO related resources eventually being housed in a publicly accessible location which may also afford space for small events. The archives are not only for the public but more specificly for researchers networking throuth the UFOU -the Visible College / Earth’s First UFO University. The Austin Anomaly Archives are also meant to serve as the main resource for UFOU’s research project known as the ECCO of VALIS.

    While providing public access to materials the archives will generate funds through Research Services beyond those offered for free to the public and UFOU networkers.

Austin Anomaly Archives Contents:

  • Book List – Alphabetical by Author
  • Book Authors Index
  • Book Subjects Index
  • FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
  • Local Abductee / Experiencer Support Group History – SMiles Lewis
  • Magazine List – Alphabetical by Title
  • Magazine Articles Authors Index
  • Magazine Articles Subjects index
  • Research Service FAQs – Answers to Previous (Common) Research Service Questions

ELFIS Austin Anomalous Articles:

Other Austin Texas Anomalous Articles & Info: