Anomaly Archives eNews – February 1st, 2020

Source: Anomaly Archives eNews – February 1st, 2020

The Anomaly Archives Weekly Email Newsletter

February 1st, 2020 – Austin, Texas


New Monthly Meetup Second-Saturdays in 2020

The Anomaly Archives hosts a monthly public meeting the Second Saturday of each monthMeetings are 3pm-5pm so guests will have an hour before and an hour after to peruse the library and archives outside of the meeting times. The library will be open throughout its regular Saturday Open Hours from 2-6pm (so long as we have enough volunteers to staff it during the meeting). Sign up for our group for regular updates.

These monthly meetings are an opportunity for the public to learn more about the Anomaly Archives as well as for existing Lending-Library-Members to meet and discuss the latest Anomalous, Fortean, Mysterious, Paranormal, UFO, and Weird News Headlines (Check out our Flipboard online magazine links) and Events! Each meeting will feature some of the latest and most interesting anomalous news with insights gleaned from the Anomaly Archives collection of rare materials and its network of researchers.

Every other meeting (even numbered months) will feature a brief presentation and discussion of the Anomaly ADVENTURE Club! Those meetings will be lead by “Viktor Criterion” and “Einida Ecxs” of Super Fun Adventure Quest Time (SFAQT).

The Anomaly Archives endeavors to revive and inspire people’s sense of Wonder and Adventure!


First Anomaly Adventure Club Meeting – February 8th, 3-5pm

“Bring ‘em Back Amused. The Tale of Frank Buck and his Monkey Mountain.”

There beats in the hearts of many the yearning for adventure, and so, in 1911, to satisfy that need “Adventure!” magazine was created. It was filled with thrilling tales of travel, intrigue, and exotic occurrences.

It spawned a club of like-minded people who gathered to revel in the idea of adventure and all its tantalizing trappings — the Adventurer’s Club. Adventurers gathered every month to share stories of excitement and glory. Many interesting people have crossed the Club’s threshold, and it is high time that their stories be shared with a wider audience.

One of these adventurers was once a household word and an American celebrity whose very name was a byword for all things exotic and thrilling. This was Frank Buck of Gainesville, Texas, an animal collector who cared so deeply about the animals he rounded up for zoos that his motto was, “Bring ‘em back alive.” His passion for animals led him to fame and fortune, movies and mayhem. The things he managed to do and experience in his lifetime will both astonish and amuse.

To find out more about this long-lost yet fascinating character from the recent past , please join us for “Bring ‘em Back Amused. The Tale of Frank Buck and his Monkey Mountain.”

The Anomaly Archives Adventurer’s Club meeting will be held from 3pm to 5 pm on Saturday, February 8th, 2020.

More information at the links:


Support the Anomaly Archives with your Purchases

One of the easiest ways for you to support our nonprofit mission and goals is by selecting us as your AmazonSmile Program charity-of-choice. Then all you have to do is make sure your qualifying purchases are made through our AmazonSmile-Portal. That’s it! You don’t have to spend any extra money – Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to the Anomaly Archives.

Until next time – keep it weird!


SMiles Lewis / Founder




Anomaly Archives & INACS (Map)

Anomaly Archives
55 North IH-35, Suite 260 – And BEYOND!
Austin, TX 78702

Thursdays and Saturdays, 2-6 PM
Please Contact Us to Verify We Will Be Open. Thank You.
(512) 842-9046 / EMAIL


Book Of The Week

Inside the Black Vault: 
The Government’s UFO Secrets Revealed

by John Greenewald Jr.

“In 1996, John Greenewald, Jr. began researching the secret inner workings of the U.S. Government at the age of fifteen. He targeted such agencies as the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, Air Force, Army, Navy, NSA, DIA, and countless others.

Greenewald utilized the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to gain access to more than two million pages of documents. This archive includes information relating to UFOs, the JFK Assassination, chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, and top secret aircraft. He took the millions of pages, and over the course of more than two decades, has built an archive known around the world, as The Black Vault.

Inside The Black Vault: The Government’s UFO Secrets Revealed takes you on a journey within the secret world of unidentified aerial phenomenon that has plagued the military since at least the 1940s. Declassified records prove that the UFO topic is one of the most highly classified and most elusive subjects the U.S. Government has ever dealt with. Each chapter explores various agencies and their documents, and Greenewald breaks down the meaning of why some of the most important documents are relevant to proving a massive cover-up.

Along with declassified documents, Greenewald outlines the struggle it took him to get them. No other topic has proven so difficult, in more than 8,000 FOIA requests that he has filed. He explores why that might be and meets skeptics and debunkers head on, outlining why some of their more prominent rebuttals for it all cannot be true.”

Support the Anomaly Archives / Buy a Copy Through Amazon Smile


Here are some headlines of note for this week:. . .

Check out more news links at the

[NOTE: Inclusion of news & event info is purely informational
and does not indicate endorsement.]

About Scientific Anomaly Institute

The Anomaly Archives is the lending library of the Scientific Anomaly Institute, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that seeks: Preservation and dissemination of scientific research into anomalous phenomena Research and analysis of accumulated collections Education of the public regarding scientific investigations into these phenomena Purposes of the Institute: * Managing and developing an archive and library for documents and literature with regards to a multi-disciplinary approach to anomalous phenomena, * Supporting, promoting and pursuing research to obtain increased knowledge about anomalous phenomena, and * Pursuing and stimulating a critical, scientific discussion of anomalous phenomena, and providing a forum for information, support, and sharing among researchers while, Functioning as the archives and library for like-minded organizations, and other groups in the community that have similar interests. Our collection houses over about 5,000 books as well as research materials such as, videos, documents, magazines, and personal correspondence. Along with the S.A.I. collection, we also curate the collections of "Rare UFO & Paranormal Book Collector/Seller" Robert C. Girard, INACS (Institute for Neuroscience And Consciousness Studies), and others. And previously those of Austin MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), Austin IONS (Institute Of Noetic Sciences) and JSA (Jung Society of Austin). We house many great books that discuss a wide range of scientific subjects including: -UFOs and Ufology -Consciousness -Parapsychology -Fortean Phenomena -Cryptozoology -ParaPolitical Science -Human Potential Please come pay us a visit!

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