Cannon, Martin

Cannon, Martin –

“Martin Cannon was a respected researcher in UFOlogy back in the 80s and 90s but abruptly departed the field after his ground-breaking monograph, “The Controllers,” was released. “The Controllers” dealt with the possibility that alien abductions were the creation of man-made technology.”

– SOURCE: Erica Lukes / UFO Classified (YouTube)



From his blogger profile bio:

“I’m a liberal — somewhere on the left, but not a “progressive” as that term is currently defined. I like Bill Maher, John McWhorter and Helen Pluckrose (but not her former writing partner). On CANNONFIRE, I offer a list of links to a whole bunch of other people I like.

I’m against ALL forms of Identity politics (a term invented by Nazis). I think extremists on both the right and the left pose a danger to democracy and to Enlightenment values.

Throughout most of the 21st century, I have worked under my middle name. Call me Joseph (unless you’re a friend from the old days).

I’ve decided to use my first name — my 20th century name — when writing about non-political stuff. Why? Reasons.”

My blogs



“However, nothing ignited the mind control conspiracy sub-genre within the UFOlogical scene as much as Martin Cannon’s important paper, “The Controllers: A new hypothesis of Alien Abduction,” first published in the pages of the MUFON UFO Journal in 1989. [33] Jim Keith’s Mind Control, World Control: The Encyclopedia of Mind Control (1997) and Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness (2003), Helmut and Marion Lammer’s MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction (2000) and others signaled that the mind control interpretation of Close Encounters had successfully carved out its own niche within the UFO scene. …  Cannon, Martin. (1989). “The Controllers: A new hypothesis of Alien Abduction.” MUFON UFO Journal.” 

– SOURCE: TrUFO vs UFaux: Planetary Poltergeists & Weapons of Mass Enchantment by SMiles Lewis

The Controllers, MILABS, MKUltra


“About 1989 artist and writer Martin Cannon published “The Controllers – A new hypothesis of Alien Abduction” that concretized the data connecting the United States government’s exploits in mind control research (a la ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD, PANDORA, MKDELTA, MKSEARCH and the infamous MKULTRA) and many specific aspects reported in UFO close encounters and especially in claimed Alien Abductions. The overwhelming evidence of some sort of connection between UFO sightings, alien abduction reports and covert operations involving mind control experimentation seeped into the public consciousness largely through the UFO community exploding with talk of these possibilities. But it was the incredibly popular television series The X-Files that really catapulted this notion of some of the Ufo and alien abduction phenomenon being the continuation of the CIA’s (and other alphabet agencies) history of research into mind control and non-lethal weapons system testing.”

– SOURCE: ANOMALY ARCHIVES eNEWS – April 2005 – “UFOlogy or uFOOLogy” / eNEWS FEATURE: “April uFOOLogy Day” – ParaPolitical use of UFOs and the Paranormal for CovertOps by SMiles Lewis


  • Who Are The Phantom Social Workers? with Martin Cannon




Aliens and espionage with Martin Cannon | Weird Reads with Emily Louise LIVE – April 2024


Martin Cannon & Emily Louise – August 2023


UFO Classified | Martin Cannon – September 2022

Return to public circa January 2022…

UFO Classified | Martin Cannon Part One, Part Two and Part Three

“Martin Cannon was a respected researcher in UFOlogy back in the 80s and 90s but abruptly departed the field after his ground-breaking monograph, “The Controllers,” was released. “The Controllers” dealt with the possibility that alien abductions were the creation of man-made technology. For the first time in decades, Martin breaks his silence to discuss what drove him to walk away from the UFO subject he loved dearly. He will also talk with Erica about his new book, “The Child Stealers, Phantom Social Workers: An American Mystery.” This mystery began in the United States over 100 years ago, and in the 1990s, they terrified northern England by allegedly abducting both children and parents from their homes.”

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Who Are The Phantom Social Workers? with Martin Cannon– July 2022