Roswell Slides

The (NOT) Roswell Slides Saga…


The only name for the child in the Park Service documents is “MOCA 1352”

New image released by the National Park Service through a Freedom Of Information Act request by Shepherd Johnson
New image released by the National Park Service through a Freedom Of Information Act request by Shepherd Johnson

The National Park Service just released to me 186 pages worth of documentation concerning the Montezuma Castle / Mesa Verde child mummy. The documents can accessed here: (PDF) (Facebook Gallery)

At the time of burial the body was clothed in a slip-over cotton
shirt. Burial wrappings consisted of three small cotton blankets.
Loaned by Mr. S. L. Palmer, San Francisco, California.


48 HOURS that SHOOK the UFOLOGICAL world by Tim Printy

Historical Timeline on the Slide Placard Deblur

SOURCE: SUNlite Volume 7 Number 4 July-August 2015, eJournal (USA, New Hampshire), UFOs, SUNlite

 Excerpts  from Printy’s Timeline:

May 8th

0157 AM EDT – The placard image was posted on the RSRG facebook page. …

9:29 AM – Nab reveals the deblur that clearly says “Mummified body of two year old boy.” …

5:16 PM – Nab Lator came up with the second line, “At the time of burial the body was clothed in a xxx-xxx cotton” and Lance Moody agreed. …

7:37 PM – Lance Moody: “Burial wrappings consisted of these small cotton blankets” …

9:18 PM Curt Collins reports putting up the findings on his blog because the image was accidentally leaked elsewhere.

10:12 PM Dew uploads the placard image file to his web site …

May 9th

12:33 AM Paul Kimball reports that Rich Reynolds is saying that Bragalia states the image is a fake.

12:47-1:02 AM Paul Kimball expressed concern over provenance and was thinking that it might be necessary to expose the source. …

screen-shot-2015-05-09-at-12.22.25-AM He was concerned we were being “set up” with a fake image. Tim Hebert agreed. Paul wanted us to work under higher standards than UFOlogists.

1:05 AM Tim Printy pointed out that the proponents can prove the results are fake by releasing the high resolution images.

1:11 AM Curt Collins takes responsibility for making the call to go public.

1:16 AM Tim Printy reports that Adam Dew has now put the high resolution image of the placard up for all to see.

1:23 AM Dew sends Nab Lator a message – “Your photoshop work is not that good. smile emoticon even visually its obvious” …

2:08 PM Isaac Koi reports that Dew is referring to the RSRG as a “group of internet trolls”  …

4:05 PM Jose Antonio Caravaca reports that Tony Bragalia has posted an article where he describes the group as rabid skeptics and that we were hoaxing the placard. …

8:58 PM Paul Kimball reports that Adam Dew stated on Kevin Randle’s blog: “I hope you guys are being fully honest about your work… because if you’re trying to pull a fast one… you’re going to set debunking back many many years.” This was one of the last statements made by Dew publicly for almost three weeks as he distanced himself from the debacle. Around midnight, Tony Bragalia posted an article where he accepted the RSRG’s findings. He adds that he has discovered the body was a mummified native American boy discovered in 1894 and put on display in the 1930s at the Mesa Verde museum.


Adam Dew or Joe Beason (whomever managed Accused RSRG of Faking Results:


Joseph Beason

The “Roswell Research Group” is a group of internet UFO Trolls, claiming to be searching for truth but repeatedly spreading lies.

Adam Dew Deletes from Claim RSRG Faked Results 

Screen-shots circa 2015-05-09 with meta data of claiming:

The “Roswell Slides Research Group”  fake placard

This is the photoshoped original that the group

is claiming they worked from BEFORE the claimed debluring.

roswell-21st-century-kevin-randleContinued Follow-Up…

Image originally discovered by Jorge Peredo
Animated "Mock-up" for comparison purposes only.
Animated “Mock-up” for comparison purposes only.

Best Post-Placard Interview Coverage – 2015

Micah Hank’s Gralien Report
Greg Bishop’s Radio Misterioso
Podcast UFO’s Coverage – Independent Skeptics – Slide-owners / Kodachrome Documentary / – Maussan’s Promotion
beWITNESS Face of Roswell Event Brochure
beWITNESS Face of Roswell Event Brochure – Red Pill Junkie


Slides Timeline Overview

  • 1988 – Hilda Blair Ray passes away
  • catherine-cecilia-beason1998 – Catherine “Cat” Beason procured the slides from an unidentified residence / estate outside Sedona, Arizona
  • 1998 to 2008 – slides languish in obscurity within Cat’s attic
  • 2008 – Catherine shows slides to brother Joseph Beason who shows them to Adam Dew who decides to produce documentary
  • 2008 to 2011 – Beason / Dew investigate, Contact Carey & Schmitt
  • 2011 – News of the slides existence leaks out due to a telephone call to Nick Redfern & via blog posts of Anthony Bragalia / RRRGroup
  • 2012 – ???
  • 2013 – November – Jaime Maussan sees the 2 slides first-hand in Chicago with Dew and Beason via Don Schmitt
  • 2014 – November 12th – Tom Carey detracts from the scientific UFO conference with his “Smoking Gun Slides” announcement
  • 2015 – Jaime stages Press Conference to announce the #BeWitness Cinco de Mayo event in Mexico City
  • 2015 … and the beat goes on …


Jaime Maussan & Don Scmitt

“Welcome to the desert of the real”.[1]

randle-schmitt-kaufmannKevin Randle, Frank Kauffman, & Don Schmitt

The Backstory

A Brief History of Kevin Randle’s “Roswell Dream Team”

Death of a Dream by Kevin Randle, October 03, 2013 …

Then, earlier this year, Rich Reynolds published his piece about slides that had been found showing alien bodies, or I suppose, more accurately, a strange creature that might be a deformed human. Nick Redfern was the source of the information, which I had never heard until I read it on Rich’s blog. I sent Nick an email and he said I should call, which I did.

On February 10, 2013, I sent an email to the team, which must have struck most of them as odd, because it demonstrated my total lack of knowledge on the subject. I said:

I have no idea if any of you have been watching the nonsense over at Rich Reynolds’ UFO Iconoclasts blog. He is suggesting that he now has inside information of the Roswell events, which he will release in the near future… However, I noted today that he is suggesting that we all have entered into some sort of legal entanglement to cement our legacy and that we are prevented from disclosing what we know. I have entered no such agreement with anyone and have no inside knowledge that I have hidden from the group. If any one of you have done so (and no I don’t think you have) it would not be legally binding on the rest of us. …. I don’t know the purpose… Therefore, my advice is to ignore him completely (Ahh, had I just taken my own advise).

SEE ALSO: Roswell Slide Research Group, Philip Mantle, Curt Collins & Kevin Randle, 05-13-15

Stormy History: Don Schmitt, Kevin Randle, & The “Roswell Dream Team”



Rich Reynolds’ RRRGroup & Tony Bragalia

Tony Bragalia is one of the researchers. He’s a Sarasota hometown guy and we’ve talked on a number of occasions. He’s an executive talent scout and he knows how and where to root out information. He’s been on the Roswell trail for years and financed his research out of his own pocket. He says he’s met the owner of the photos and seen the pix personally. “They’re both in full color and extremely close,” he says.

Story in a nutshell: an estate-cleaning outfit discovers the slides stashed in an envelope inside an attic trunk belonging to a deceased and apparently respected geologist working the Texas-New Mexico region for oil exploration in the 1940s. The geologist and his late wife have no heirs. The slides are brought to the attention of the business owner, who has read Witness to Roswell by Thomas Carey and Donald Schmitt. The guy makes a few calls, out of curiosity. Bragalia gets pulled into the investigation last year. – Billy Cox, De Void


 schmitt-careyDon Schmitt & Tom Carey Digging for Roswell Evidence

Roswell Researcher Interviews with Alejandro Rojas 2010-2012



2011 Article Index

Anthony Bragalia should have been invited to join the dream team. He is one researcher who has discovered some important Roswell minutiae over the past few years.Moreover, Anthony Bragalia has recently found some revelatory and truly significant material – no, not about nitinol (that so-called memory metal).If what Mr. Bragalia has found turns out to be as real as it seems to be, Roswell may become as relevant, as some think it is, to the UFO enigma.I cannot disclose what Mr. Bragalia has uncovered in his exhaustive research; that is for him to do.But I assure you, that what he’s stumbled upon is not trivial and opens cans of worms that will cause some in the government, if its disclosed, to fill their pants with merde. I do not exaggerate here.So, dream team? Without Bragalia it’s just dreaming…RR

2012 Article Index

  • Got any links? Please send them or post them in the comments for our review.

2013 Article Index

You may have read about the latest Roswell controversy involving two Kodachrome slides rumored to show a dead alien recovered from the alleged 1947 crash site. The reason we’re hearing about it now is that a member of the small informal group of researchers — known as the “Roswell Dream Team,” an extremely unfortunate moniker — shared information with a trigger-happy outside player, and the whole thing blew up on the Internet before their investigation was complete. It’s easy to get lost in the details, but team member Kevin Randle issued a mea culpa summary last week. – Billy Cox, De Void


2014 Article Index

2015 Article Index


2016 Index



Roswell in the 21st Century by Kevin D. Randle




The Slide Promoters

Sarma Creative, Dew Media Inc., Slidebox Media LLC, Redscare Media LLC (, and who else…
adam-dew – Slide-owners / Kodachrome Documentary

adam-dew-01“There was a major respectable U.S. monthly magazine that wanted to publish the slides years ago, but they weren’t offering any money and we wanted to at least find a way to bring some bit of funding into this project. People talk about these substantial packages and I just roll my eyes and laugh about what people think is the kind of money that’s involved in this. This has been a process that has cost me money out of my pocket, and I would certainly like to tell my wife that we at least broke even on this in the worst case scenario,” says Dew [OpenMinds.TV]

Pre May 5th Attempts to Decipher the Placard in the Slides
Jaime Maussan’s Be-Witness Event on Cinco de Mayo
Lead-Up To #BeWitness Event in Mexico City


Curse of The Aztec Mummy! Silas Newton & The Aztec, New Mexico Crash Story
On the Trail of the Mummy
curse-of-aztec-nufoc-mummyCurse of the Mummy (movie poster) & 2001 National UFO Conference (poster)

Jaime Maussan’s Cinco de Mayo in Mexico

#BeWitness – May 5th 2015

 “El Cambio De La Historia”
James Hurtak
Jaime checking his phone
Adam Dew: “So really where should the slides be right now?”
Catherine Beason: “In the dump.”
(Videos @ 1:42:09 mark & @ 15 second mark)catherine-cecilia-beason“Cat” Beason Says Slides Should Be In The Dump
roswell-slide-alien-hologram “Am Evolved Gecko”
roswell-slides-ant-people-03Tom Carey: “Child of the Earth / Jerusalem Cricket” Being
Don Schmitt & Tom Carey
Child of the Earth
Maybe, then, the creatures weren’t extraterrestrial. Maybe they were from…below.

Something akin to Mac Tonnies’ Cryptoterrestrials theory…   – Nick Redfern

roswell-slides-ant-people-02 “Child of the Earth / Jerusalem Cricket” Beingroswell-slides-ant-people-01

 “Experts Could NOT Decipher the Placard”

Adobe, Studio Macbeth, & The Pentagon?!?
  • Dr. David Rudiak – Expert in Photographic Analysis
  • Dr. Donald Burleson – Professor Specializing in Computer Enhancement
  • Ray Downing of Studio MacBeth in New York – Shroud of Turin Analysis
  • Col. Jeffrey Thau – Sent the Placard to Pentagon Photo Interpretation Department

 . . .

From: Jeff Thau <jaffthau@____>
To: SMiles Lewis <elfis@____>
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: Photographic Interpretation Services Attributed to Jeffrey Thau
Never provided services to, or even heard of, an Adam Dew or Slidebox Media prior to your email.

 . . .

Tom Carey also mentioned “the people at Adobe, Inc.” in his statement. Name-dropping without presenting any report, not even a short letter from them, detailing their methodology and opinion, is an indication that insufficient analysis work was done.

Dr. David Rudiak wrote on Kevin Randle’s blog that he “had no success with the previous deblurring programs he used.” From the information provided by Dr. Donald R. Burleson on his Facebook page, it appears that he simply sharpened, color-inverted and contrasted a rather low resolution image of the placard (765×280 pixels). Studio MacBeth (the company in New York in Tom Carey’s statement) has retracted the use of their name as an analyst.

Some people, including myself, who knew about state-of-the-art deblurring software, expected that the placard could be read. Robert Hastings warned in an article published on March 8th, 2015 that the “Roswell Slides time bomb is ticking”

“Experts Determined it is NOT Human”

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Mystery Solved Within Hours


With SmartDeblur Software


Adam Dew Finally Releases High Quality Scan of Placard



Adam Dew accuses RSRG of Faking Results

Adam Dew Deletes from Claim RSRG Faked Results 

At the time of burial the body was clothed in a slip-over cotton
shirt. Burial wrappings consisted of three small cotton blankets.
Loaned by Mr. S. L. Palmer, San Francisco, California.


rsrg-roswell-slides-research-group – Independent Skeptics

The Roswell Slides Research Group are:

Thanks to our colleagues and associates Alejandro Espino, “Trained Observer”, Philippe Hernandez, Aaron John Gulyas, Irna France, Nick Redfern, and Fin Handley, as well as many, many more who offered help.

More Corroborating Evidence of the Mummy Having Resided at Mesa Verde

Nabbed! by Nab Lator


Public Apologies / Statements

Don Schmitt on May 14: I now realize that the image in the slides is a mummy as specified by the display placard. At this time I consider the matter concluded and intend on moving forward.

@BryceZabel May 6 – I was shown this so-called #RoswellSlide months ago and asked to be part of the Mexico event. I just couldn’t do it.

The Fallout

“It’s not even about learning the truth about aliens, who gives a shit”Richard Dolan @37 min
Richard-Dolan-Roswell-Slide Richard Dolan Keeps on Truckin

Jaime Maussan Promotes Grave-Robbing?

Puts Out Bounty on Mummy!


Whitley Strieber … in Dreamland



Whitley Strieber on said:I am often asked why I don’t participate more in the UFO community. Things like this are why? People are so eager to believe that their ability to discriminate is compromised. In this case, though, it looks like something even worse than that. Very disappointing. I must thank you guys for doing a great job! It’s the lead story on Unknowncountry today. (May 9. 2015)


Whitley Strieber on said: If we can get the exact same image you used, we can do the same procedure on it using SmartDeblur. We also have access to some high end software, so we might well be able to read the whole thing. If you’re on, either send me the image via a Dropbox link or email to me at I have seen some of the comments, and this needs to be put to bed.
Paul Kimball on said:

Whitley Strieber, Linda Moulton Howe, & Jaime Maussan

The Believers Continue to Believe

The Biggest Problems with the Slides Saga…

  • Provenance / Chain of Evidence – Lack of proof for backstory
  • No Body to Examine – Images are all that is available (Science vs Speculation)
  • Sloppy Investigation & Rampant Speculation
  • Conflicting Claims Regarding Analysis of Body & Placard
  • Problematic UFO Researchers / New Age Promoters



“… the place of origin or earliest known history of something. … a record of ownership of a work of art or an antique, used as a guide to authenticity or quality.”

Kevin Randle
Kevin Randle
The Roswell Slides – A Matter of Provenance – Kevin Randle, March 18, 2015 …
 … February 20, 2015, Adam Dew, under the user name SlideBox Media, posted to Rich Reynolds UFO Conjectures blog the following:
A quick timeline as I understand it: Hilda died in 1988. Slides were discovered when emptying out a garage outside of Sedona (Cottonwood we think) in 1998. Slides were deemed interesting (obviously old color slides) but not fully examined until around 2008. While I think that the home may have belonged to Hilda’s lawyer, there is no way to know for sure as the woman who found them [the slides] didn’t keep records of the homes she cleaned out… I don’t think the slides came from Hilda’s home.
Could this be any vaguer?  The home might have belonged to Hilda’s lawyer but they don’t know. The house might have been in Sedona, but they’re not sure. There is no way to verify whose house it was and there is little to link the slides to Hilda Ray other than some of the other slides were marked with her name. He doesn’t think they came from Hilda’s home.
“Cat” – Discoverer & Co-Owner of the Slides?

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Sloppy Investigation & Rampant Speculation

Slides Promoters MisIdentified White Sands, Colorado for New Mexico.

No Body to Examine / Just Pictures

 On May 17th, during an interview in Cuarto Milenio, a Spanish TV program, Prof. Miguel Botella, anthropologist, Director of the Physical Anthropology Lab, University of Granada, Spain, presented as “an expert on mummies,” explained why he disagrees with the report by José de Jesús Zalce Benítez (video in Spanish).  Analysis of the “Roswell Slides” (FAQ)18 May 15
Miguel Botella interviewed in Cuarto milenio
roswell-slide-anatomia-del-ser“Cartel con texto inteligible”

Typical Weird-Body Hoaxes

Martian Mummies!
A Martian mummy, from Flammarion (1881)
Minnesota Ice-Man (Then & Now)
Frank Hansen Exhibits the Mystery Body
Steve Busti with Iceman at Austin’s Museum of the Weird
Above: SMiles Lewis, Jim Moseley, & Friend
At NUFOC 2000 in Corpus Christi
fossil-remains-mythical-creatures-1996-bob-slaughter Below: Widow of Fossil Remains of Mythical Creatures (1996) by Bob Slaughter
  • Professor Bob’s Blieve It or Not! The strange and wonderful world of Professor Bob Slaughter, paleontologist, dreamer and “discoverer” of fairy fossils, demon footprints and leprechaun bones. Really. By Rod Davis – D Magazine June 1993
 Silas Newton & The Aztec Crash Bodies
Paul Kimball & Scott Ramsey at crash site, Aztec, New Mexico


Tom Biscardi’s & Ric Dyer’s Bigfoot-Body Hoaxes
biscardi-bigfoot-body-hoax-01 bigfoot-body-hoax-01
Little ‘Alien’ Atta (Then & Now)


Erich Von Daniken’s Legendary Times on the ‘Alien Atta’

The Starchild Skull

Pye even had a DNA test done on the skull, which confirmed that it was boringly human (read the complete analysis here):

The sample taken from the Starchild Skull (SCS-1) has mtDNA consistent with Native American haplogroup C, as revealed through two independent extractions performed on fragments of parietal bone.

So I got an email from Mr. Pye after the episode came out, and it was clear that he disagrees with my conclusions, to put it mildly. His email was quite lengthy, and I won’t attempt to reproduce the whole thing. He did make a few valid points,  and a lot of invalid ones. For example, I mentioned that the skull had been found in a cave:


Other Alien Mummies…


Metepec Alien Mummy

The program, which first aired earlier this week on the Science Channel, examines several recent cases of purported alien remains that have attracted world wide attention. Alien Mummies visited Metepec, Mexico, a small village in Central Mexico where a now infamous sample of alien remains first appeared in 2007.

A Mexican rancher named Marao Lopez claimed to find the 19 inch tall creature still alive in a trap. Instead of keeping the animal alive as a captured alien, Lopez inexplicably decided to drown the creature.

The case will be examined in detail along with several others on Alien Mummies. We won’t spoil the entire program for you, but we will tell you that the Metepec Alien is a very sick and cruel hoax. Independent investigators are convinced the alien is actually a poor little Squirrel Monkey who was skinned with some of its muscles removed. Now known to debunkers as the “Screamin’ Demon of Metepec,” the Metepec Mummy is a full-fledged, card carrying member of the UFO Hall of Shame.

Shockingly Close to the Truth: Confessions of a Grave-Robbing Ufologist
by James W. Moseley & Karl T. Pflock (2002)Moseley-Book-Cover



 Conflicting Claims Regarding Analysis of Body & Placard

Adobe, Studio Macbeth, & The Pentagon?!?

Don Schmitt
Tom Carey

Problematic UFO Researchers

Jaime Maussan

The Roswell Slides

The “Roswell Slides” are images that a group of UFO promoters – including Anthony Bragalia, Jaime Maussan, Adam Dew, Donald Schmitt, Tom Carey, and Richard Dolan – put forward at an event held on May 5, 2015, in Mexico City, as proof positive of an extraterrestrial crash at Roswell in 1947 and the recovery and cover-up by the US government of alien bodies. These are claims that most of the aforementioned group have been making for over two years now. They have repeatedly said that the best experts they could find were examining the slides, and that they had determined the slides showed a creature that was of unearthly origin.

Nothing could be further from the truth. As many skeptics have been saying since the first rough image of one of the slides was procured several months ago as a screen capture from a promotional video released by Dew, the figure photographed and shown in the slides is almost certainly a mummified body.

We can now remove the word “almost” from the aforementioned sentence. The key to solving the mystery was in the placard seen in the slides in front of the body, a placard that the slides promoters assured everyone could not be deciphered despite extensive examination. Here is what Don Schmitt said on April 12, 2015:

This will be part of the event, part of the program in May, that all of these analytical reports, all of the analyses, all of the main experts as well as the photographic experts who examined- there’s a placard, very fuzzy, that can not be legibly read by the naked eye, yet we’ve had everyone from Dr. David Rudiak, to Studio MacBeth, even the Photo Interpretation Department of the Pentagon, as well as Adobe have all told us that it’s beyond the pale, that it cannot be read, it is totally up to interpretation.So, we truly feel we have performed due diligence; we have done everything we can to substantiate and prove what is contained within these slides, whether it is something of a human malady or something truly extraordinary.

It took us just a few hours to prove otherwise, once we received a high resolution copy of one of the slides (note: while our copy came from an inside source within the promoters’ group, slides promoter Adam Dew has now released it as well).

By using the commercially available SmartDeblur, a member of our group (Nab Lator), was able to significantly clear up the blurred text. Other members of the group helped narrow down the actual words.The first line was the most clearly resolved:


There is no reasonable doubt that this is the true and correct text.

The other three lines of the text are more difficult to decipher, but seem to say something like:

At the time of burial the body was clothed in a slip-over cotton
shirt. Burial wrappings consisted of three small cotton blankets.
Loaned by Mr. S. L. Palmer, San Francisco, California.

The entire effort only took hours, quite a difference from the “years” of research claimed by the slides promoters. The fact that the promoters did not release proper high resolution scans of the slides made our work more difficult, but in the end it was still relatively easy to decipher the key parts of the image.

The mystery of the placard is solved, and so is the nature of the body.

It was a boy, from Earth.

The question that remains is whether or not the Slides promoters have been deliberately deceiving the public in order to profit financially, or whether they were simply incompetent. Perhaps it was a mixture of both. Either way, their credibility as investigators and researchers has been destroyed.

The Roswell Slides Research Group are:

José Antonio Caravaca
Isaac Koi
Nab Lator
Lance Moody
Tim Printy
Curt Collins
Tim Hebert
Paul Kimball
Gilles Fernandez
Chris Rutkowski
Roger Glassel
S. Miles Lewis
Jeff Ritzmann

Thanks to our colleagues and associates Alejandro Espino, “Trained Observer”, Philippe Hernandez, Aaron John Gulyas, Irna France, Nick Redfern, and Fin Handley, as well as many, many more who offered help.

Ufologists Doubt “Roswell Slides” Show Aliens

Expressions of doubt by ufologists: (Late March 2015 – Compiled by Isaac Koi)
Kevin Randle: “What all this means, simply, is even if they prove to the satisfaction of everyone that the film was exposed and developed in 1947 or 1948, they are not going to be able to prove it alien. The mummies seem to be too close and frankly, the best explanation is that the slides show a mummy found out in the desert. This has nothing to do with the Roswell case.”
Frank Warren of “For the record, there’s no doubt in my mind that the image represents a human cadaver, a child, either a mummy, or a mummified/preserved pathological specimen. I’m confident that this will be proven to everyone’s satisfaction in short order”.
Alejandro Rojas of Open Minds: “…the most we will have is some interesting pictures. Nothing provable”.
Rich Hoffman of MUFON: “Even if you see the film has what looks like an alien, it still could be a fake. How do you qualify it without a body?”
Marc Dantonio, MUFON photo analyst: ” … the Roswell slides are going to be promoted and shown first by Jaime Maussan … Such a move on the part of Carrie and whoever else will only remove credibility from an already tenuous claim…”
Jeff Ritzmann of Paranormal Waypoint: ” -It’s a non-story as far as what it tells us about the UFO phenomena. It says nothing about the phenomena, and really can’t say anything either. Dead end is a good term. -It represents a new, depressing turn for UFO inquiry: the presentation of ‘evidence’ that can’t be dis-proven, or proven”.
Larry Lemke: “So that only leaves the possibility of the bodies having been real, live, organic creatures at some point. If the level of detail that is said to be in the slides is actually in the slides after peer review, then I think Jenny Hanniver type creatures can be eliminated. So that leaves primates as the main candidate for conventional explanation (of which humans, of course, are the leading candidate). … Or the situation may be a bit murkier, such as with the case of the Atacama mummified body that was going around a few years ago. In that case, the body had all the morphological indications of an aborted fetus, but had a radiological signature that made it appear that it had survived birth long enough for its leg, arm, and mandible bones to have matured. That false signature appears to have been supplied by minerals present in the unique nature of the Atacama environment. If a similarly complicated situation exists with the bodies shown in these slides, I am confident that it will eventually be revealed after sufficient exposure of the facts to the right experts.”
Nikolaos Balaskas: “Jeff [Ritzmann] is right. I had small pieces of film allegedly from the famous Alien Autopsy film independently tested by expert archivists at the National Film Board of Canada. Confirming that what I had was indeed 1947 stock film (even though none of the frames given to me for testing have images of the “creature”), it did NOT prove that the AA film was of a real extraterrestrial or that this creature was in any way associated with the Roswell UFO crash of 1947…”
Robert Hastings (author of “UFOs and Nukes”): “I will conclude by predicting, perhaps redundantly, that this affair will end badly for the Roswell Slide promoters. If, as I contend, the body in the slides is the mummy of an Inca child, or some such, then Carey, Schmitt and Maussan will owe the whole world an apology. They should also seriously consider returning whatever money they made as a result of their unfortunate, unfounded and misguided claims”.
Coast to Coast AM March 15, 2015 – UFOs: Current News & WWI Cases. Guests: William J. Birnes, Nigel Watson”Dave Schrader welcomed author and UFO researcher, Bill Birnes, who discussed a wide range of UFO topics from the highly anticipated May 5 press conference in Mexico… Regarding the so-called ‘Roswell Slides’ which are said to depict aliens and will be revealed in May, Birnes was somewhat skeptical. The slide that’s been leaked shows an alien that appears somewhat insectoid in appearance, which doesn’t match the more human description of witnesses of the Roswell aliens, he noted.”
Steve Hudgeons of MUFON: “Im not saying Aliens in general are non existant …I am saying that IMO this photo is fake”
Frank Warren: “I think the biggest victim after the dust settles, i.e., when the slides are proven to be either a mummy or some pathological specimen, will be Ufology as a whole. The saddest part is the severity or the damage done will be barely measurable, given Ufology’s current condition. Most will simply shrug it off, and say, “what did you expect?”





14 thoughts on “Roswell Slides

  1. Great Timeline..and contributes substantially to scraping off the commercial aspects which the landlords and gatekeepers of the grand circus tent of ufology have been exploiting for decades, It is what it is. What worries me is not the decline of ufology and Blurrology but the devolution of science fiction. There seems o be a lack of ideas as the same material and themes keep repeating themselves..You may find that evident in Whitleys ,probably dependent on UFO forums for his scripts, as well as Lnda who really by now should stay away from photo forensics, way out of her league and exemplified by holding back alleged hi rez pix of an alien drone in the CARET hoax of 2007 to this very day and refuses to answer ….where are they?

    This happened during the age of witch hunts that created considerable employment for a lot of people and when it passed, so did the jobs for torture tool makers and craftsman, devil hunters, carpenters, traveling hudges with their monile offices and kangaroo courts..etc a self perpetuating cottage industry.

    Its well said that history repeats itself, and on many occasions even rhymes so apt here as well.

    One of the few things about believers ,skeptics writers..alike like Frank, Whitley and Jim Marrs we can find common ground..are their taste in hats .

    They are so …awesome! But I digress..

    Thanx for a great blog writeup and thanx to JJ at Ufotrails for the heads up.

    aka sysconfig

    1. If the perpetrators of this saga would have done 1/10 the work you put into this timeline, perhaps the fiasco could have been avoided. But, then again, how much money would be made if they actually did their due diligence. Also, several of the players were obviously looking for down-the-line money from this hoax, in the form of books and more “honorariums” for their appearance at ufo conferences.

      And yes, your work here should be the go-to resource for all those who want to study and understand how this hoax matriculated, from A to Z.

    1. Bryce, I see that you were the only person involved who named Joseph Beason. Did you have any contact with him, or do you know what role he played from the shadows?

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